AC Round 9 of 23 Formula Agile@Montréal Thu, 15th Jun 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
My coming back wasn't that good it appears.. Some family duties and technical problems (my VR decided to lost the active area just while I was entering the qualify) allowed me to join the qualify only in the last 5 minutes.
I wasn't able to set a good time, or at least it was on par with the one of the (few minutes) practice I made by myself, but while recently I'm not that far from the midfield, I was now last with 6 seconds from the top times.

Oh, well, I thought, I have one hour, I will be able to get to grips with the track in some way and possibly have some good battle or even climb a couple places when I will be able to set better times. However, those better times never came, as I have never been able to race in under 1.30, plus my ping, initially around 40-50 ms started to increase and it stabilized at more than 200/250 ms. This could also not be too much of a problem if I would have been able to stay on track and enjoy the race, but to my dismay I spun close to 10 times in the first half an hour or so, even on straights. I don't know why the car was so undriveable (I used the same setup I had in other races, with even more aero load..) but it was becoming too frustrating to continue, so also considering that I wasn't at the top of the shape, I decide to quit halfway through the race.

I hope that next time will be better..

Thanks Han for hosting the race and cheers to the podium finishers in this hard race! You rocked.
No worries Steve, I had already compromised my race (and Ernie's) by launching off the sausage kerb in the last chicane and stuffing it in the Wall of Champions! Ernie was collateral damage, sorry Ernie, but Han and Fulvio escaped,

After that it was a matter of trying to keep a steady pace and damage limitation.

But it wasn't to be as while I was catching Bouke after the pitstops, a momentary lapse of concentration (as I saw Axel and Fulvio in my mirrors) had me spinning out exiting the second chicane.

But very intensive and a good learning experience. Hopefully the real thing will be as entertaining on Sunday and who knows....maybe the highest placed Red Bull will be in third too!!:D.

Congrats to the podium, thanks Han for hosting and looking forward to the next one.:thumbsup:

(I'm off to Snetterton on Sunday for some real British GT action).:)

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