Textures Romanian Texture Pack (ITSSSSSS BACK)

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Hey dude, thats really bad news...
You could try to make an norwegian. Someone in my pack suggested to make a norwegian texturepack. Or you could try to make a Modern Finnish pack... British or American is not a good idea, Dascumbag is currently working on a British and American version. (My British Car)
You need to choose popular countries. Romania is not that popular as you may think. Here's a small list
1. Finnish (Scandinavian)
2. British, American
3. Germans, French, Polish (Polish are still many)
4. Russian
5. ...
Maybe a French one,don't really know...
Hey dude, thats really bad news...
You could try to make an norwegian. Someone in my pack suggested to make a norwegian texturepack. Or you could try to make a Modern Finnish pack... British or American is not a good idea, Dascumbag is currently working on a British and American version. (My British Car)
You need to choose popular countries. Romania is not that popular as you may think. Here's a small list
1. Finnish (Scandinavian)
2. British, American
3. Germans, French, Polish (Polish are still many)
4. Russian
5. ...
Hmm,maybe i won't do texture-packs anymore.Maybe i will do small mods like a new garage or car skins..Im not too sure for now..
De ceeeeeeeeeee,saraci romani care joaca MSC ca mn sau tu Nu mai au romanie in masinile alea de 100000 HP

Un Pic de ajutor,Nu imi merge :p , Habarn-am dar e textura normala

Am nevoie de ajutor.Nu pot sa il downloadez,ma ajuti?

Cand pun fisierul in mysummercar_data si intru in joc nu imi arata texturile in romana

O da si nu pot downloada cel mai nou unity assets explorer,dc?

Nu ai putea face un texturepack cu undertale sau fnaf?Ar fi tare pentru MSC!

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De ceeeeeeeeeee,saraci romani care joaca MSC ca mn sau tu Nu mai au romanie in masinile alea de 100000 HP
:( A trebuit sa fac asta.Am doar 223 (sau pe acolo) de descarcari.Trebe sa inteleg,Romania nu e asa de populara fata de alte tari.Ma gandeam sa fac unu in Franceza,dar,m-am razgandit,acum,voi face moduri mici,nu moduri mari,ptr. nu stiu alte limbi,tot ce stiu e Engleza.Dar unu deja face un mod in engleza,deci..Nu am csf.
sunt texturile buguite cand am incercat sa le instalez cu Texture pack inmporter

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Alexander192111 updated Romanian Texture Pack (ITSSSSSS BACK) with a new update entry:

Annoucement (i cant speak english)

Hi everyone,
I would like to tell you that i am still working on this texturepack.I know it has been a couple of months since i haven't done anything,but it's beacuse i have school,textures take time and plus,i have a youtube channel to manage,so my life isn't easy.I didn't forget about RaceDepartment,i just haven't visited it in a long time.So,as soon as i will have vacantion (which is 2 more weeks for me), i will start editing again.
So again,really sorry i haven't posted in a long...

Read the rest of this update entry...
baga subtitrari in romana nu pt mine ca stiu eng

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