
Dear All,

welcome to my rig report - i have some interesting stories and projects to share
all my projects are shared via thingiverse - for your private usage

after some intro pictures you will find my chapter structure to see my important posts









rig video as a short intro


enjoy my report
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01 - rig components
02 - my journey
03 - my rig
03 - my rig 3D
04 - motion system
04 - SFX profiles
05 - seat, belt, belt-tensioner
06 - wheelbase
07 - stickers, foils and gimmicks
08 - pedals
09 - DIY
10 - steering wheels - my first wheels
10 - steering wheels - DIY DimSim R1
10 - steering wheels - Simracingbay DimSim F320h
10 - steering wheels - DIY Cosworth CCW MK2
10 - steering wheels - OMP 320
10 - steering wheels - DIY McLaren 720s GT3
10 - steering wheels - DIY McLaren 720s GT3 - version 2
10 - steering wheels - Porsche 997 RSR GT3
10 - steering wheels - Lotus Evora GT4
10 - steering wheels - BMW M8 GTE
11 - Drivernet - DIY
12 - sequ shifter, pushpull shifter and handbrake
13 - screens & sound
14 - driver seating position
15 - vent system - DIY
16 - Software and Settings
17 - Buttonboxes - Streamdeck
18 - Dashboard DDU10
18 - Dashboard DDU9
19 - DIY - USB Controller
20 - DIY - buttons, switches, encoder
21 - DIY - Screens and LED
23 - Dual DDU10 setup
24 - DIY Gear Indicator - Rev LED
24 - DIY Gear Indicator - v2 - Rev LED
25 - cockpit setups
26 - Philips HUE - Roof
26 - updated roof
27 - Cablemanagement
28 - USB -> HDMI
29 - DIY SC2 extensions
30 - DIY vs Model Cars
31 - trackdays
32 - DIY tech - water transfer print
32 - DIY tech - encoder caps
32 - DIY tech - ALU encoder caps
32 - DIY tech - materials for paint and watertransferprint
33 - stainless steel dashboard
34 - my DIY tools
OT - slotcar track
35 - brake bias
36 - Streamdeck Profiles / Icons
37 - Simhub Tutorial
38 - which sims feels best at my rig
39 - Rally Setup with RBR
40 - DIY bezel free kit
41 - Good Vibrations
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01 - rig components

-- Motedis S-Dream 45mm Profiles instead of 40mm
-- Wheelbase bracket - DIY steel
- Belt tension - SFX100
- Belt - Epmann with Sparco 3" shoulder support
- Seat - OMP HTE-R XL
- Seat Rail - Sparco
- foils (seat, rig, wheelbase, buttonboxes, wheel) - DIY
- wheels
-- DIY Cosworth CCw MK”
-- SRB BB Ultra with DIMSIM F320H
-- OMP 320 S
- PEDALS - SIMTAG Silver Edition
-- Manu Factory
-- Ascher Push-Pull with DIY mount
-- Frex H Pattern
- Handbrake - HE
- TRIPLE - 3x43" Philips 436M6VBPAB (60Hz)
- TOP Screen - 1x Lenovo 27"
- 2 x DIY Bosch DDU10 7” HDMI
-- Soundblaster Jam V2
-- Pioneer 5.1 AVS
-- Studio Micro
-- DIY Streamdeck XL Buttonbox
-- DIY Buttonbox
- DIY Driver Net
- DIY Gearindicator
- Tactile 4.0
-- 2 x Behring NX3000D
-- 2 x Buttkicker LFE
-- 1 x Buttkicker mini FLE
-- 2 x Clarksynthesis TST429 plat
- PC - i7 8700K & RTX 3090

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02 - my journey

"rome wasn't built in a day"
- same song i can sing when it comes to my rig. i believe it is important that we all start small, we get engaged, we test many cool products and DIY projects - after a while we recognize - omg what happend to my sim rig - if not we get this feedback from our partners/family .....

Started 1998 with Colin Mc Rae and a Logitech wheel - sorry no pictures available

office triple screen - playseat challenge - fanatec CSL

pimped playseat challenge
running VR in my home office

first DIY ALU rig with same components
running VR in my home office

direct drive upgrade - simtag pedals - same rig
running VR in my home office

together with COVID my wife offered me to leave our homeoffice :)
cleaned my bike room and made triples REAL

further steps i will explain within this report

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03 - my rig

as you saw in chapter 02 i drove a small home-office rig. i was infected by the motedis s-dream but it was to large, hence i decided to design on my own. SFX100 forced me to change some parts to improve the motion effect and find space for the belt tensioner. I am using a 45x45 and 45x90 slot 10 system.

my ALU part list below


some further rig pictures

SC2 mount - desinged on my own - 6mm steel (laser cut)

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04 - Motion - SFX100

after some month of evaluation, I decided to build SFX100. Let me explain my motivation:

I tested seatmovers and fullmotion systems. After those tests it was clear that I have to go for a full motion system. SFX100 is a great DIY project and as soon you read my rig report you will understand why SFX100 was my way :). Thanks to the great documentation it was no problem to get it done in a few days (beside 3d printing).

If you like to get more information about SFX – please visit the public project site.

like to see the rig running - direct link to the motion scene



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05 - Seat, Belt, Belt-Tensioner

I started with a Sparco R100 – a great sport seat. It was good enough to cope with my SFX100. (Un)fortunately my son decided to start his simracing career too, hence I had to switch . After some testing my decision was quite fast – OMP HTE-R XL togehter with HC-922. In additiona with Sparco Slide-L a great combo. The main reason for my decision - OMP mesh material – I do not sweat like in other seats.

I am running a EPMAN 3 inch Belt together with Sparco shoulder pads. Those are needed to survive my strong Belt-Tensioner.

Last but not leat some words on the Tensioner. This system is pulling all 4 belts and i am getting a great immersion togehter with the surge effect. It feels such great when your belt pulls you during each shift and braking. A friend of mine designed this system and i had the chance to build it for my own - unfortunately i have no access to the 3d print files.




09-02-2021 23-34-08.jpg


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06 - wheelbase

I am running a simucube 2 pro. Personally I did not experience any difference between SC2 and DD1/DD2. I think both are great DD systems. In my case I decided to step away from fanatec to use different aftermarket wheels, to build DIY wheels and finally to have similar to Fanatec one USB connection for wheels, pedals, wheelbase, puspull shifter and sequ shifter. My SC2 is connected to the Simtag pedals, the Ascher pushpull shifter and the Manu Shifter. My main wheels use the SC2 wireless button module.

I am running the SC2 Pro with 2 power supplies. Powering them is activating my electricity fuses. Bought a inrush current limiter to fix it.

my profiles and FFB settings (pdf)


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07 - stickers, foils and gimmicks

a key chapter :) none of those items are needed to race :) but each time i have a look at my rig i start to smile and enjoy them.
  • several foils from liongp based on my input - mainly to get the M8 GTE style - seat, alu profiles, wheelbase, race sticker, sfx100
  • A2 wall pictures
  • BMW 20inch rim with bronce foil paint
  • BMW M8 1:18 model
  • amazon carbon foil


05-05-2021 08-15-27.jpg

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08 - Pedals

i am running SIMTAG Pedals - Silver Edition

this will be a short chapter
- it took a while to decide
- my biggest investment
- BUT i am so happy with them
- they are only GREAT
- my biggest concern - leakage - since 18 month - stable and no DOT fluid leakage

i am running 2 x red rubbers
pedal are connected to my SC2





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09 - DIY

within my rig report you will find a huge varity of DIY projects. I love to design and share projects. by today i have 25 projects available at thinigiverse. All of them are free of charge and they will always free to download. I like to motivate other people to make their first gear indicator, dashboard or buttonbox - even a steering wheel based on my DimSim R1 template is no big miracle. Currently i am happy to count 1.000 downloads per month at thingiverse.

please find some of my favorites within this post


05-05-2021 15-05-06.jpg
05-05-2021 15-04-14.jpg

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Great presentation and even greater setup including the DIY part.
thanks - will show much more - any happy to take your questions
such a post will be more attractive with some interaction
i will have the index to allow people reading my report without questions and comments
10 - steering wheels - my first wheels

over time i had a couple of steering wheels - started with Fanatec CLS


a great wheel to get back to simracing - i stopped 1996 :)
after some weeks i started to complain about flex and ordered the Formula Black


to be honest - a great wheel - especially with the ascher carbon shifteres
together with the CSL Elite PS4 a great combination
unfortunately my shoulders started to hurt running this small diameter
hence i bought the Porsche RSR


in combination with simracingmachines shifter upgrade i enjoyed racing again. Again a great product - especially considering the price level.

Together with my SC2 upgrade is bought a Cube Controls GT


you can imagine my reaction running a real steering wheel. Also the cube button plate did a real good job. But then i started to build my own wheels and sold my Cube.

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10 - steering wheels - DIY DimSim R1

let me present my first DIY wheel. I was looking for a project wihtout doing the difficult handle part. I found the DimSim R1 and created the following project. You can download all needed files under this link


in my version i installed APM snap action buttons, ascher shifter and the SC2 wireless button plate. I also succeeded to implement the nasty ALPS 7way hat switch



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10 - steering wheels - Simracingbay DimSim F320h

my 2nd wheel is based on SRBs buttonplate and the DimSim F320h. The buttonplate uses the SC2 wireless technology. Tactile feedback of the buttons is OK and the shifters are amazing. In my opinion they are slightly better than the ascher shifters.
The DimSim F320h ist covered with a sticker designed by LionGP


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10 - steering wheels - DIY Cosworth CCW MK2

this is my recent DIY project and without any doubt my best. Together with a friend we created this beauty from the scratch. We decided to use only top parts to get the "real" LMP2 feeling.


  • 5mm carbon fibre
  • 3 different PCBs
  • USBD480
  • Multi Jet Fusion print
  • flex PLA handles - finished with hockey band
  • grayhill rotary switches
  • ALU knobs
  • Asher shifter and clutch
  • Teensy and pro micro
  • pl9823-f5 LEDs
  • fluorescent stickers
  • SW features like "clutch bitepoint" and "grayhill position to sim sync" - VIDEO
Enjoy the pictures





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10 - steering wheels - DIY Cosworth CCW MK2

this is my recent DIY project and without any doubt my best. Together with a friend we created this beauty from the scratch. We decided to use only top parts to get the "real" LMP2 feeling.

View attachment 472395
  • 5mm carbon fibre
  • 3 different PCBs
  • USBD480
  • Multi Jet Fusion print
  • flex PLA handles - finished with hockey band
  • grayhill rotary switches
  • ALU knobs
  • Asher shifter and clutch
  • Teensy and pro micro
  • pl9823-f5 LEDs
  • fluorescent stickers
  • SW features like "clutch bitepoint" and "grayhill position to sim sync" - VIDEO
Enjoy the pictures

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this is one awesome looking wheel!
10 - steering wheels - OMP 320

for cup cars, rally cars and manual cars i have a OMP 320 - i did a DIY project based on the OMP320 - LINK - but decided to keep my OMP for above mentioned cars without any button plate - maybe i will create a slim one in near future. I move my main DDU10 to the left and the gear indicator to the middle. For modern rally cars i add the Ascher Push Pull shifter





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11 - Drivernet - DIY

A small but really effective DIY project. I hope you like it and you will make your own. I love to enter my rig and feel surrounded by this great net. Patchdevil send me some great patches to finish the net. To strenghen the bands i used some electric wires. they are running in the vertical bands. Material i used:


Some springs and glue




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