It is a lot better than in previous version, but I'm not sure if it was actually a game related issue. As I had big stuttering in AC for a short period of time, it got better later... Now everything was stable for maybe 7 stages, and then began to stutter hard at England and eventually CTD happened. Does not happen without this mod.
It must be raising resources usage in some way, somehow. My laptop is rather weak, usually Dirt is very playable for me 40-50fps vanila has crashed maybe 2 times on me through ~65hours of playing. Previous RFPE version would crash after 2-4stages or 15-20minutes, now crashed after 7stages, maybe 40minutes of play, the bright side is that fps was quite steady all the time, I'd say fps were normal.
My main laptop performance parts: Geforce 840M GPU, i3-4030U CPU, 8GB ram.
On grip. Wow it sounds very complicated for sure. I must to say that I really like the results. But it would be great if it is possible to raise a low speed grip, because it just slows down too much, sometimes you can't even pick up speed for next corner. At least longitudinal grip when slowing down before entering, and especially accelerating from exit for sure.
Would be nice to hear others thoughts on this.
About performance, maybe i just should finally get better machine and stop complaining about slight performance issues everywhere