Hmm well, I wouldn't say easy but not too hard either. You'll have to repackage the rfcmp file again but if you go into the Install folder under the rFactor 2 installation, then vehicles, then the folder with the Mod, you can unpackage the _car mas file with the gMotor2 Mas Utility from the rFactor Lauch screen. In this mas there is the NCR_2016.rcd file. That file has all the drivers and stats and you can modify and resave. You'll have to repackage the mas and I think you'll have to recreate the rfcmp by selecting the HowstonGen6_sounds.mas, NCR2016.mas, NCR2016_teams.mas, SC2015_CarCrypt.mas and then the newly package NCR2016_car.mas that contains the modified RCD file. All these packaging and extractions can be done from the gMotor2 MAS Utility. It's easier than it sounds and if you get stuck, feel free to post again.