This week i have been busy with other things...
Press Test car, press event.yours?
v0.4: Added cameras for Greufon Forest, Bidno Moorland Reverse, Pant Mawr Reverse.
v0.5: Added cameras for Col de Turini Depart and Col de Turini Descente.
@JCabri Nice update. My only critic is there are almost not enough cameras now. I like the realistic spectator views for the passing car. Just this time there are to many? Only a little more variety would be nice.
Even though I am saying this, its probably worth keeping this one and having a second option. Am I confusing or what?
Damn Codies for not allowing saved replays. It would be great to switch to these different user created views on the fly and watch it over with different set of cameras... guess I'm dreaming though
Could you please reorganize files to reflect structure of the game, without splitting files into separate, location related folders? Game file structure is already organized, separating locations to specific folders. IMO there is no reason to split it twice. It makes impossible to just instal the mod by single copy operation.
Thanx for understanding
Reorganized files to easy installation.
Agree.Just tried the Bidno Moorland run and while the long shots look great, I can't help being a bit disappointed that you've taken away two great close up camera shots of the first water splash and the first jump immediately after that. Also during the woodland section, it still reverts to close up of the front wheel. Having said all that, It's not to take away from your superb work which looks much better than the wheel and roof close ups.