rF2 Renault Clio @ Mills Metro - Thursday July 12th 2012

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Whew! I though I was going to the slowest one on the server. And I just started with this car yesterday! Maybe I can help you.

Edit: That's on Inner Loop B. The server says Inner Loop C which isn't the default?
Wow, you really made me search here ;) When I looked at the server, both now and when I set it up, it was running Outer B. So, I did not understand how it could be that you saw a C online.

Found it in the end.... Stupid me has left all Mills track in the server selection screen, so the server was using all layouts. Changed that now, so it will be Mills Outer B that is on.

Sorry for the confusion guys :) As it seems, even I make mistakes :p :p
Sorry for lousy quality, but YouTube butchered the movie oince again :(

Managed to get it down to 1.14 high. I have had a really rough night, so can't be there for the race unfortunately. Really wanted it, but it's just not going to work :(

Setup here
Sure! More then welcome offcourse!!! The grid is filling up nicely, and the track is in wonderfull condition tonight. Just did a 1.14.0xx, but the 1.13.xxx are all over the place! Nice driving guys.

I have to be out unfortuately. Other things to do :(. Have fun all!
I lost connection to the room about an hour ago and I haven't been able to get in since. I get 'server connection failed'. I've reset my PC and router, still no joy. I've also tried the F3 Monte Carlo track and get in there without a problem and it's the same password.

Need help, I've been looking forward to this all week :(

Was I accidentally booted/banned when getting rid of the AI?

Try to start the series in the offline game first. Just enter track, and go back to multiplayer.

Have heard that that might work from time to time. You where not booted! :)

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