Release date on the URD M8?

Wow, what happened to URD? That is a strange stance to have, "We have never build render models but they should look and behave good on track and that is what we do."

So your standards are, if it behaves good its good enough? RSS doesn't have this attitude, neither does VRC. If your going to charge people and in your mind is, 'as long as it behaves good' is sad.

RSS does everything right, everything is pushed for maximum value for the customer and there level of detail is like no other - None.

This is what URD has fallen to? Shame...
Again, RSS doesn't have the philosophy of well, if it behaves good its good enough.

Can you please send me the exact same settings you used for that screen? I'll try to replicate it. Here's mine:


Also, how nice of you to decide to buy it after asking me for the m8 for free in exchange of "lots of paid content you have"
For me, the car also looks like @SunBro Photo. Do not see any mistakes.
Don't get me wrong, ales could definitely optimize the textures AND lod. But those issues do not glare at you while driving AND/OR watchning a replay. The issues show up only in photo mode and a paymod does not promise a good showroom car. It promises 1 - good looking interior (since it's the closest thing to you) 2- great lod_a 3- great looking car on replay. That's it and for me, urd always delivered on those fronts. Whatever issues we had was fixed promptly(like t5 2018 display and the flying wheels issue with ford gte lod_b and lod_c) So, yeah. Worth the money and raised no memory issues on my peasant 8gb ram with a 1060 6gb.
Not saying i dont value your opinion... but I do remember you saying the rf2 Aston GT3 interior looked good.

I still don't see that while driving but i took a look at other areas which are not visible while driving and yeah it has horrible center beam and passenger side modelling too. (I remember you and @LilSki asking me if i'm a single screen user and to take look at other areas beside it)

I still stand my ground on this one. Yes you can find low poly circular objects on the model, hell, even on the screen i posted i can easily find 4. But all those exist on late kunos models too. Not everything has to be rss quality. This(m8) is how it was before rss came, and it can keep being like this after rss too.
You posted screen with some weird settings with 300% brightness where black looks white :roflmao: Guy that pirates mods is twisting words and reads morale. Fantastic.
When I see top tier wares, I pay dude. You worry about yourself. RSS for example has received all my money for their work over time.
Settings or not - the URD quality has fallen hard, thats the point.
But all those exist on late kunos models too. Not everything has to be rss quality. This(m8) is how it was before rss came, and it can keep being like this after rss too.

Sorry thats all a bit BS. I never mentioned RSS. I'm just saying this is a far better experience for me in VR (kunos):

Than this, despite this using probably 3x the resources. And thats the issue. If it looked 3x as good I'd accept it, but to me... its closer to the other way around.

I dont expect everyone to aim for crazy levels of detail. But when I see mods like this (paymods I mean, free stuff is fine), it makes me wonder if the creators are proud of their work or not. Are they actually trying? If people accept it thats fine, but it doesn't take that much more effort to try and tidy stuff up. Maybe I've just got OCD or something but I couldn't charge money for that guilt free.
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Sorry thats all a bit BS. I never mentioned RSS. I'm just saying this is a far better experience for me in VR (kunos):
View attachment 327318

Than this, despite this using probably 3x the resources. And thats the issue. If it looked 3x as good I'd accept it, but to me... its closer to the other way around.
View attachment 327319

I dont expect everyone to aim for crazy levels of detail. But when I see mods like this (paymods I mean, free stuff is fine), it makes me wonder if the creators are proud of their work or not. Are they actually trying? If people accept it thats fine, but it doesn't take that much more effort to try and tidy stuff up. Maybe I've just got OCD or something but I couldn't charge money for that guilt free.
Ok man, you seem to be "all or nothing in the paymod world" and i seem to be set my own view of "not everything has to be that high" How about i bounce off of here and return to lurking? G'night y'all.
Some people have low standards, i get that.

I just think its good from a consumer point of view to understand a bit better what they are potentially buying into before hand. For those who have some standards, that is.

We are doing what is needed not what is posibile and that was allways our case. Its not about low standarts, its what is needed so if you guys can do it better as you clearly can do it than where is the problem? Charge more if thats the issue...You have your ways, we have our ways.
We have our limits on polycounts and detailing and we will stick on that as that is what has been proven for use, leagues and just enough of detailing.
Wow, what happened to URD? That is a strange stance to have, "We have never build render models but they should look and behave good on track and that is what we do."

So your standards are, if it behaves good its good enough? RSS doesn't have this attitude, neither does VRC. If your going to charge people and in your mind is, 'as long as it behaves good' is sad.

RSS does everything right, everything is pushed for maximum value for the customer and there level of detail is like no other - None.

This is what URD has fallen to? Shame...
Again, RSS doesn't have the philosophy of well, if it behaves good its good enough.
For real man? Check your settings and dont play this way here.
We are doing what is needed not what is posibile and that was allways our case.
I wasn't aware 120mb textures was needed for a average looking mod lol.

We have our limits on polycounts and detailing and we will stick on that as that is what has been proven for use, leagues and just enough of detailing.
Sky is the limit for textures tho, eh? :roflmao:

Its not about low standarts, its what is needed so if you guys can do it better as you clearly can do it than where is the problem? Charge more if thats the issue...You have your ways, we have our ways.
No problem, I'm not looking to charge anyone for my mods right now, thanks. All I'm doing is sharing my thoughts on this mod, like I do many mods here - I'm not asking you to like what I have to say.

If i was a consumer I would appreciate reading these last few pages, it'd certainly help me come to a more informed purchasing decision. That's all.
Whats your problem actually? I mean for real?
I have never hiden or anything around our cars and their quality yet what you say here is not informative for consumer but rather bashing just becase its not up to YOUR standarts and nothing else.
Like I say, its no different than I've done for other mods. Sure its the standard I hold myself to, but thats not to say others wont find it useful. I lay it out, people can take it or leave it, I don't really care.
Exactly, you dont really care! Yet you started something for no need as we didnt hide anything, than somebody else comes with some poor settings in showroom puts up screen voila...What do you think in what way does that effects us at the end? For god sake, think before you start something, especially if you dont even care!
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