I edited my racenet name before deadline (in the dedicated tread) but I can't find myself in the results :O
Hmm, it seems like the name you put on "Old RaceNet name" is the name that have been shown there. As it is the "old" name that is listed as unknown.
The issue there is that the process is automatic, and the manual checks we do, don't cover everything.
I would guess for a programme/routine identifying in-game names and linking them to real names it will make a huge difference, I suppose. If I were the organizers I would not browse through all this data myself, i'd let a machine do the job.
This is indeed the case. To make it very simple. The program takes the data from the ResultParser - put's in all the times etc. and looks at the name. e.g "Myrvold" and then looks through the data that's been put in. And it sees that if the name "Myrvold" is somewhere, it will be replaced with "Ole Marius Myrvold". That's how it works for all drivers. It was case sensitive, but that's been removed. However, any additions to the names. Name changes, spacings etc. cause the program to not find the nickname, and thus it will not be replaced with any real name.
Now, we initially go through the list manually to see if we've made stupid errors. The way we do that, is to search in the Sign Up-thread for names. However, the search function isn't perfect, and we can search on stuff we
know are in the thread, and still get "no matches".
Personally I also took a few names and entered in to Steam, to see if I could figure out some, but with 4 out of 5 having a private profile I gave up.
Mathieu, you are not kicked out of the league though
However, as the actual name was wrong, and never got corrected, your dnf won't be reinstated on the Monte-list.