RDRC S4 Round 1 - Rally of Norway (3rd March - 6th March 2012)

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soo, i don´t like the "white stuff" very much, but in the end it wasn´t that bad...
SS1-3 - Trying to build confidence, quite slow times but no mistakes. Peklo R on snow was very tricky.
SS4-6 - No drama. Minor spin on Chirdonhead after driving through that stupid ditch.
SS7-10 - Nice fast stages. Mustaselka II extremely tricky, few scary moments there.
SS11-14 - Trying not to make a mistake, which went well... Right up to the moment when I roll the car on SS13 while cutting a hairpin maybe a bit too much :) Time lost under 10 seconds, but damaged suspension and wheels. I wasn´t driving flat-out, so the damage wasn ´t problem, tho.

Enjoying some close racing with Javier de Diego (too bad you crashed it on SS8) and Chris Williamson.
Thanks for a nice rally.
E: You've heard this many times before i know, just asking, is it possible to continue from ss4 onwards in some other session? Right now i'm backing up my files and then format whole system. Maybe tomorrow evening?
Olli, from the Rules:

3.5 - A driver may compete in multiple sessions for practice, however the results from ONLY the first session they record a time in will be taken as official.
Well if you guys think YOU had it tuff, spare a thought for those of us with RWD. THAT was a difficult but overall fun rally, lol.

SS1 - Still getting over Pneumonia so i knew I wouldn't be setting the world alite. Took it nice and steady.one spin but nothing major.
SS2 - Starting to build confidence and I SWEAR there was more traction than in practice.
SS3 - Tricky but SOOOOOOOOO much fun.
SS4 - Tried a little harder on a stage I don't enjoy.
SS5 - CFH after going off and getting cauth in a ditch. Tried to fight my wat out but the gutter was to step.
SS6 - Loving this stage more and more.
SS7 - LOL, could be an omen for the rest of the rally. You know the first corner? The one 3 meters after the start? SPUN. lol. got through though/
SS8 - Hit a rock early on but the mighty Escort soildered on.
SS9 - Radiator steaming at the start. Rolled at a highpin and had to call for help once. Starting to get tired and sloppy.
SS10 - The car AIN'T right. but got through. CFH again after going off.
SS11 - Another roll, another call for help.
SS12 - Car ain't right.............AGAIN. Had fun though.
SS13 - Hit a tree, rolled (I think) and CFH. Not going well now
SS14 - no mistakes but the car is not handeling well. A few moments but overall no mistakes.

I think I finished 12 minutes down on the top 2 in OC2 but I knew I would be a long way off in this round.
SS1 - Smooth run, fast pace went a little sideways on the big jump but got through it. Happy with the run.
SS2 - Didn't load my cam hack so it was a little tougher then normal, still fast pace but conservative to.
SS3 - Near the end I hit a tree, did a 360 spin and my car died. Luckily I was able to start it and finish the stage. Good thing service was my next stop. :)
SS4 - Good run not much happened no offs and much faster then the first time though.
SS5 - I love this track one of my favs, didn't push it as hard as I should have but def happy with my pace.
SS6 - Didn't hit that tree this time, always feels like a slow track though.
END OF DAY 1 - Leading the pack in EU2 which is putting up a strong fight! Fast times all round. I thought Pelko was going to give me more trouble then it did just happy I finished them, least amount of road time in Slovakia.
SS7 - Good pace smooth, didn't turn my cam hack on again! :mad: Still got through the stage with only minor offs.
SS8 - Another good stage, I nose dived into a hill after one of the jumps but didn't mess with the car. Got off rhythm near the end but still finished strong.
SS9 - Okay run, stalled the car on one of the 90's thought I was going to fast so I e-braked it and thought I would let my back end take the damage, never hit anything though.
SS10 - Solid run, good pace.
SS11 - Alright stage, def could have pushed myself a little more but a good run.
SS12 - Made a bigger mistake this time round, turned way early into a turn and had a big off. Luckily I didn't hit anything and the last half or so I was on attack mode!
SS13 - Another decent run still think I could have gone a bit faster but finished.
SS14 - Another solid run to finish the rally, stocked with my performance overall.

Thanks to the directors for making this all happen, had a blast and made it through all stages with virtually no damage. Can't complain about a 2 hour rally to start the season off. Hope my performance was good enough to earn some outright points!
Overall very disappointing rally for me, lots of silly mistakes early on which led to engine failure at the end of ss2.
Got my act together a bit more from ss8 onwards and had no damage from then till the end, very happy with 2nd overall on ss13 aswell :)
Amazing round tonight, NOT ONE RETIREMENT! (yaaaaaaaay :p)
First few stages were very hairy (pelko in particular) and have a few mistakes, but the second half of the rally was fantastic!
I guarantee I wasnt the fastest out there, but a lot of the time it was nice and clean, and most of all, I enjoyed my run.
Bring on the next round!!

p.s Nigel, if my times for the last few stages havent shown up, its because my RScenter started doing that +23461861 thing.
I have saved the times to HTML, CSV and Screenshot if you need it.
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