AC RDGT4 Championship Round 2 - Spa - Sunday 13th March 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event


Club Staff
Welcome to the RD Assetto Corsa Racing Club. This Sunday we're heading to Spa, for Round 2 of the Ginetta GT4 championship!!

Join us!

This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in! If you need any help don't hesitate to ask on discord before the race, or right here on the forum... there's no such thing as a stupid question!

All premium members using their full real name in the forum, race servers and discord can sign up for this event. We have limited slots so sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Not a premium member yet but interested to race with our group of friendly drivers? Click here and here to learn how you can participate as well.


  • Practice Server: #12 (Available throughout the race week)
  • Race server: - Frankfurt
  • 20:00 CET, 19:00 UTC | 1 hour 20 minutes - Official Practice
  • 21:20 CET, 20:20 UTC) | 20 minutes - Qualification (SEE POST #3)
  • 21:40 CET, 20:40 UTC) | 60 minutes - Race


DLC is required for this event


Event details:
  • Track: Spa, Belgium
  • Pit stop: Mandatory (Between 10 and 50 minutes)
  • Track Temps: 33C track
  • Track Condition: Clear/cloudy, Improving grip, SW wind
  • Damage: 10%
  • Assists: Factory
  • Standing Start: Jump Start = Drive through penalty
  • Further info on

Useful Links:

Sign up/Entry list:

A message to all Drivers

If you run off track, you must check to see that its clear before you re enter the track. Do not just keep the throttle pinned and pull back on track.
On re-entering the track stay off the racing line until you are up to race speed and do not block any fast approaching car.

Always try to re-enter the track parallel to the racing line.

When joining the track from the pits, remain inside the white line and stay off the racing line until you are up to speed.

During qualification, do not race on your out lap, let other drivers by.

Golden Rule
  1. If you hit somebody, sending them off the track and carry on like nothing happened, you take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Instead, you should always wait for the affected drivers, and that way you can be 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
Note: Please use your full real name in Discord. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium member.


A championship gives us the opportunity to deduct points or add time as a penalty. Below are the penalties for this championship. Please report these kind of incidents to the host. That will help to get even cleaner events. For multiple unsafe actions within a single reported incident, the time penalties and point deductions are cumulative.

  • Golden Rule: if you break the Golden Rule, all points will be deducted from that event. Normal procedure via formal report and internal discussion within RD staff if there's an disagreement.
  • Unsafe overtake/defending or dive bomb: 5/10/30 second penalties for each case.
  • Track Limits: 5/10/30 second penalties for gaining an advantage outside of tracks limits.
  • Ignoring blue flag: 2 points taken off for each case.
  • Dangerous Driving: 2+ points may be also deducted for any unsafe actions causing an incident (e.g. unsafe rejoin/unsafe pit exit/swerving on the straight etc.)
  • All reported incidents and penalties to be judged by host (Brian) and co-host (Han) via the usual PM system. Gentlemanly actions, or otherwise, after an incident may effect the final penalty awarded.
Good race all. I got a better start this week ( thanks for the tyre warmers! @Interslice and for organizing.. shame you couldnt make it)

I tried to cling on to Enzo for as long as I could and gain a bit of time on Axel and Andre while they fought behind me, staying out in front for a while but eventually Axel started to close on me. I could see Enzo was catching him again after an early pit and hoped to stay ahead long enough for him to fight that battle and hopefully buy me a bit more time.

In the end I made a few mistakes under the pressure, flapped a little at the closing gap and decided to pit. Later I came up behind Axel after he pitted and had a little nibble while his tyres were cold. Wasn't enough and he crept away again. All in all it felt very similar to Silverstone.

Congratulations @Enzo Fazzi , great pace again mate. @Axel Moebius good race, too much in the tank for me again this week.

@HF2000 thanks as always, congratulations on 4th.
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What a difference not having a chair that slides under braking makes :rolleyes:

Had a litany of battles today, which can either be good because you're gaining spots, or bad because you're losing them; today I did a bit of both :p .

Hung out with Casper and David for the first third of the race, each of us a bit faster than the other in different sectors leading to some good tight racing. Then I pitted a bit on the early side and found myself at the back of the pack gaining spots as others pitted. Finished the the last 20min of the race about 2-4s ahead of Richard, who drove as cleanly as me and refused to give me more of a gap to relax :cautious: :D . Luckily I held it together and finished a few spots up from my quali time.

Congrats to the winners and finishers and thanks to our substitute host, see you all next round :thumbsup:
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Thanks for this good race to you all!
It didn't start well though..

First I couldn't see the server (content manager cache setting..)
so I was a bit late and couldn't get close to my pb in qualy but P5 was still great for me!

Sadly my girlfriend forgot to discuss something relatively important with me about buying something or not, with the offer ending 30 minutes after the race...

So she came into the room right before the lights came on and I thought it would be fine but forgot to fully press the clutch and therefore my awesome P5 on the grid became dead last with 15s gap to the field from the pits.. :(

She was really sorry and I was pissed off massively. Not about her. About the whole situation...

I decided to not give up and pushed my little Ginetta with all I got.

My race setup was set up to be able to battle safely while the car stays agile.
Sacrificing absolute pace though.

This meant I could fiercely but safely fight myself up the grid very nicely and had a lot of fun!
But once I had free air, I couldn't close the gap to Han so it was hot lapping alone for the second half of the race.

Looking forward to Thruxton! Never driven there before but looks a lot shorter than the first 2 rounds so we should be a bit tighter compressed with more battles :)
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Great race all. I spent most of the race chasing Paul hoping for a mistake. He didn't make many. It took till the last few laps to finally squeeze by. Whew!
Thanks for organizing Han and Brian and well done to the winners.
Great race Pat, we we together for the entire race, even though you pitted a lap before me we were still very close. Towards the end I had no heat in my tyres and I got a bit sideways over the crest at Raidillon and that gave you the run into Les Coombes. But some nice side by side action there and well done.

Congrats to the podium and thanks to Han for standing in as host. :thumbsup:
Nice race for me with a lucky 4th finish.
Qualified 9th with a reasonable gap to the first 8th so my expectations were low and with Paul en Pat very close I thought I should do a lot of watching my mirrors. After the first two lap Rasmus, Thomas and Hape were behind me so I was 6th and I was watching as almost every race the rear of Ernie. Not able to close the gap of about 5s I concentrated on not making mistakes. The gap behind grew steadily so it was kinda lonely. After his pitstop Andre was between me and Ernie. Before my pitstop Rasmus was closing the gap behind but after we pitted it was again more than 10s with about 12minutes to go.
So I was comfortly cruising to the finish to get 6th but then in the last chicane Andre and Ernie had an incident and I could pass them.

Congrats to the podium. See you all next time!
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