AC RDGT4 Championship Round 1 - Silverstone - Sunday 27th February 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Sorry to anyone effected
by the missing tyre blankets and auto clutch. Most of the early incidents came when the tyres warmed up from what I seen on track. Silly oversight on my part.

Lucky I didn't kill Richard B at turn 1 when I had massive oversteer off the outside kerb, sending me back across the track :confused:
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Fun first race. Bit disappointed in qualifying, I could run mid 2:08s every time on the practice server but couldn't deliver in the big event! I was a bit uneasy on cold tyres and low grip first few laps, I struggle with adapting to that, something to focus on I think. So I let a gap grow to Axel of several seconds, a gap I could maintain but not close. Our pace was very similar but Enzo was creeping away by about about a second a lap. I made a small gain towards the end on Axel but as per usual with me I lost the time made through a mistake and decided 3rd was as good as it was going to get tonight.

Nice pace Enzo congratulations on the win.

Brian a another great event thank you.

And of course many happy returns Ernie!. Quite the inspiration for the rest of us.
Great battle ernie. I think you got the undercut stategy spot on if you missed your pit box :(
It was the most intense race I've had in a long time! A dreadful start down to P12. 3 or 4 cars went off in the 2nd and 3rd lap and I manage to get passed ernie where I had failed before. I remember clearly the GTr was able to pull away on the exit of turn 4 and go around the outside of T5!

Ernie was like a trailer for the next 30 minutes. My hands were sweating! I tried everything to break the slip and at the same time push on to @thom462 ahead. But, got nowhere. I saw thomas pit and decided to follow him in. My thinking was his pace and tow might help me stay ahead of ernie and stop his undercut. Not a great idea really, but it worked. I gained 3 or 4 seconds on thomas in the pits and managed to squeeze the pass on the same place i got ernie. More sweaty hands. Lucky thomas had some wobbles in my dirty air so i got a small rest before ernie came out of the pits and hounded me for the last ten minutes! I think we all set pb's or fastest laps in the last five minutes.

There was still no catching @hape ahead though. Great drive from him, held a 3 or 4 second lead from us no problem. I was pushing as hard as i could to make some slip steam pressure but it wasn't happening.

Thanks to everyone for racing. It was very enjoyable. Congrats to enzo and the podium. Different class tonight, the 3 of you guys.
Well that was quite a normal race for me. Qually 6th, gain a place at the start. Not cautious enough with the cold tyres in Maggotts so 21st with a 10s gap to nr 20. Catching up. Battle with Paul for 16th in Copse. Should have learned from Max/Lewis. 19th again. Nice battles and an undercut to 10th and closing the gap to Pat. Too much kerb in Maggotts again, lucky Colin. Finished 11th with a lot fun. Typical me.

Congrats to the podium and thanks Brian for organizing.
Well I kind of made it :coffee:

Got home 45 min from qualiy with my last car load for the move. Set up the desk, computer, monitor, and wheel with a metal folding chair and hopped on with 10 min left in q. No time, started last, gained 8 spots? Then proceeded to lose them all as my chair kept sliding away :rolleyes:. Had to call it halfway as I was becoming more of an obstacle than opponent. A DNF wasn't unexpected, and I'd rather get the chance to try, than not and wonder what if. On to the next one and actually putting up a bit of a fight around mid pack :thumbsup:

On the plus side, this all gave me the excuse I needed to finally upgrade my sitting/lack of any rig situation :p
Lucky thomas had some wobbles in my dirty air so i got a small rest before ernie came out of the pits and hounded me for the last ten minutes! I think we all set pb's or fastest laps in the last five minutes.
I've not much experience in the Ginetta. This was my first 1 hour race and as changing tires only cost about seven seconds I thought this will be a good idea. It was not. Didn't know the tires last 1 hour apparently. After pit stop new tires were too cold and I had no grip for two laps and lost again lots of time and the position to Brian and Ernie. Race pace was OK, could do a 2.09.3 in my fastest lap. Looking forward to next race with better strategy on my side.
Thanks Brian for organizing and all for racing.
I've not much experience in the Ginetta. This was my first 1 hour race and as changing tires only cost about seven seconds I thought this will be a good idea. It was not. Didn't know the tires last 1 hour apparently. After pit stop new tires were too cold and I had no grip for two laps and lost again lots of time and the position to Brian and Ernie. Race pace was OK, could do a 2.09.3 in my fastest lap. Looking forward to next race with better strategy on my side.
Thanks Brian for organizing and all for racing.

Ah ok. Thought you had an issue alright in the pits. The tires go cold even if you don't change them so thought that was it. Makes sense now why you were struggling. I think these tyres also need a little 'breaking in'. I could be wrong there though :)
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Well that was eventful! Qualified in (for me) a decent mid field P8. Good start but first lap coming out of Copse I got a wheel over the kerb (cold tyres) and collected Rasmus in my incident, Sorry Rasmus. I got going right at the back but soon saw Han on the grass.
Han had gone off at the Becketts/Maggots complex but he he was soon large in my mirrors. We went into Copse with me just ahead but then contact and memories of Max and Lewis there last year as we both went off.

From then on it was a fight with Taj, Casper and Rasmus for the minor placings. I was catching Casper with two laps to go but Rasmus was catching us both. The last two laps were very exciting as Casper and Rasmus made contact at Luffied. On the run down to Stowe I was unaware how close Rasmus was behind and to the side of me and I squeezed him onto the kerb and grass, Sorry again Rasmus, you must have been sick of the sight of me last night!
But an enjoyable event, Well done to the podiums, (awesome lap times) and thanks to Brian for setting this up, it looks like being a great championship. :thumbsup:
Results showing:
That was quite an eventful race :D

What an evening, so great to race with you lot again, finally!
Since I like the car and the tracks, I really wanted to participate in this championship.
Barely made it in time though haha.

Was away at the sea over the weekend, came home, ate, shuffled half of my new little "homeoffice" around to make space in front of the desk.
Threw my new carpet, still folded in half, in position without actually putting the desk onto it.
Unfolded the F-GT Lite, jumped in, adjusted it slightly, went on the server:

13 minutes left of qualy.
First time driving in this new rig, in the new apartment.

No blankets, great, 3 laps until tyres were warm, two flying laps, mistake in the second.
Adjusting fuel, more or less, toilet, race start :D

But it was really wholesome!
Coming out of the pits in qualy, first car coming closer was my German buddy @hape :)
First car I started to battle in lap 1 was @Kek700 Ernie, with whom I'm keeping a little pm thread active since over a year.

He even welcomed me on discord :) (which I joined with 30s left before the start...)

And then it unfolded...
Had a good start, was in surprisingly great control of the car.
Getting a few places up through the first few corners.
Then I got completely knocked off by Paul at the exit of Copse, he couldn't do anything about it.
But at least this got all 4 tyres up to temperature :D
Slotting in behind Colin, Pat and another car. Expected this to be fun as I got closer but I got thrown off by a kerb, somehow. Insta-spinning me around.

Had some nice battles with a lot of you!
Sadly some small mistakes here and there and some too tough battles hehe.

Sorry to Taj for misjudging the pit exit while you were looking at your instruments :p

And a massive sorry to Han for the kick of adrenaline... I spun, looked at the track map and completely misjudged the distances.
Had a little heart attack when you wooshed past 1mm in front of me :geek:

See you all in the next one! I'll hopefully will be prepared a little better and join the discord banter during practice too :)
I really missed this!
Fun race not a lot practice for me. Seems low wing on this car is helpful. Any tips on TC on or off. Too much to ask I can understand :) I improved mostly with better driving, but nice to have a decent setup going in. I lowered wing to 2 and put 1 deg more negative camber in the rear. That was it.
Fun race not a lot practice for me. Seems low wing on this car is helpful. Any tips on TC on or off. Too much to ask I can understand :) I improved mostly with better driving, but nice to have a decent setup going in. I lowered wing to 2 and put 1 deg more negative camber in the rear. That was it.
I tested wing 0-3.
3 drives the best, you can really push the car around. Stable and trusty.
At 0 or 1, the rear is really slidey and unstable for me.

So I went with 2, which felt stable enough.
Camber is dialled in via camber extravaganza. I always lower it until the tyres are green during most corners.
If I slip too much when goin over kerbs, I raise it a little bit.
The rear tyres shouldn't really go red over normal kerbs. Otherwise you'll suddenly lose the rear when battling.
With lower front camber, the front tyres will have more grip while not on the kerbs, while they will go red over kerbs.
You'll get understeer over kerbs, more bite when not on the kerbs.

This is just the basic stuff that I do with every car. Since you've used the same wing setting I did, I thought I could share my thoughts on it :)

The rest is just learning by doing.
Entry, mid corner, exit balance, off throttle, on throttle, trailbraking.
These different situations will be differently influenced by springs, dampers, arb's.
These also highly depend on your driving style.
In theory there are physically fastest settings but if you don't have the "perfect" driving style (yet :p), it doesn't really matter..

How you combine steering inputs with brake inputs will make a massive difference.
Dampers and springs will change the behavior right at the turn in. Anti roll bars will make a big difference when the car actually starts to turn and lean in.
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Fun race not a lot practice for me. Seems low wing on this car is helpful. Any tips on TC on or off. Too much to ask I can understand :) I improved mostly with better driving, but nice to have a decent setup going in. I lowered wing to 2 and put 1 deg more negative camber in the rear. That was it.

I use TC on mark. I'm sure it could be a smidge faster to go without it if you were dialled into the car fully.
I find most of the time gained with this car is through pushing it harder and harder through corners like copse and abusing the very tough tyres, takes me a while to switch from the 488 where you are managing tyre temps, especially on the softs.

I've the setup at the end of my onboard video below. I don't think it's changed much from any of the others I've posted. I actually tried to improve the setup for this race but found any changes to the suspension made the car have an unpredictable spin. There was definitely more lap time in the car, as i had it setup for the race.

I found someones simresults :)
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Attached my setup. Note that I like a pointy noise and a tendency to oversteer, so it's not for everyone. If it is a bit too much to handle, don't change the wing, stiffen the front ARB.

Default has the dampers really messed up, car was bouncing all over the place, so I tried to improve it. Probably isn't perfect as I didn't spend that much time, nor did I look at any data.

TC off for me. When the tires were up to temp, I couldn't get it to break traction even if I wanted to.

I also noticed that the timing of the ignition cut on upshift isn't quite right, so I was lifting manually when upshifting from 1>2 and 2>3. The autoblip for downshifts also isn't quite right, so in all of the high speed corners, I was manually blipping on downshift. (Brooklands, Copse, Maggotts-Becketts-Chapel, Stowe).
Both things can also be attributed to the differential though, I'm not sure. That being said, I quite dislike the diff in this car on power, unfortunately you can't change it.


  • GIN_R_SILV_V002.ini
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Attached my setup. Note that I like a pointy noise and a tendency to oversteer, so it's not for everyone. If it is a bit too much to handle, don't change the wing, stiffen the front ARB.

Default has the dampers really messed up, car was bouncing all over the place, so I tried to improve it. Probably isn't perfect as I didn't spend that much time, nor did I look at any data.

TC off for me. When the tires were up to temp, I couldn't get it to break traction even if I wanted to.

I also noticed that the timing of the ignition cut on upshift isn't quite right, so I was lifting manually when upshifting from 1>2 and 2>3. The autoblip for downshifts also isn't quite right, so in all of the high speed corners, I was manually blipping on downshift. (Brooklands, Copse, Maggotts-Becketts-Chapel, Stowe).
Both things can also be attributed to the differential though, I'm not sure. That being said, I quite dislike the diff in this car on power, unfortunately you can't change it.
Attached my setup. Note that I like a pointy noise and a tendency to oversteer, so it's not for everyone. If it is a bit too much to handle, don't change the wing, stiffen the front ARB.

Default has the dampers really messed up, car was bouncing all over the place, so I tried to improve it. Probably isn't perfect as I didn't spend that much time, nor did I look at any data.

TC off for me. When the tires were up to temp, I couldn't get it to break traction even if I wanted to.

I also noticed that the timing of the ignition cut on upshift isn't quite right, so I was lifting manually when upshifting from 1>2 and 2>3. The autoblip for downshifts also isn't quite right, so in all of the high speed corners, I was manually blipping on downshift. (Brooklands, Copse, Maggotts-Becketts-Chapel, Stowe).
Both things can also be attributed to the differential though, I'm not sure. That being said, I quite dislike the diff in this car on power, unfortunately you can't change it.

Interesting that about the blips. I noticed into Copse in particular I wanted the exit power from 4th gear put 5th was a more stable entry. Ended up just downshifting to fourth really early on the brakes and powering through the corner. Felt like i was loosing heaps of time there and into stowe. Same sort of issue with 3rd and 4th gear.

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