Please reply in this thread to sign-up. Copy the sign-up form below and fill in your details. If you need to make changes to your sign-up, then make a new post in this thread instead of editing your original post. The full rules for Season 9 can be found in the pre-season magazine; viewable
here, or available for download
To be able to participate, you must also register in the correct RaceNet League. Link can be found
Driver: (RD Name – Or Real Name if RD Name is a nickname)
RaceNet ID:
Car: (car)
Car Class: (RDRC-class)
Team: (If no team is nominated use drivers name)
Number: (
only for reserved drivers who took part in Season 8)
If you are not on the list. You will be given a number by the RDRC-Crew
I have read and understand the rules and agree to abide by them for the duration of
RDRC S9. - Type
Yes here
If you are changing your entry, please quote your old post, and change - that way we won't miss it, and we won't add you two times!