A bit of a pity I just joinied the server 2:30 min. before the end of the qualy session.
Enough time for at least one hotlap, but it was 1sec.+ slower than my possible qualy pace since it was the first lap -outlap, hotlap- (the third of four laps would have been always the quickest here, so not optimal).
Not the best (relaxed) preparation for the event itself.
I thought there would've been another 1h practice (after the prac. server had been closed) on the event server until the 30min. qualy starts, but the event (race) started earlier than I was thinking (correct at 20:05/21:05 o'clock - next time I use my clock to now exactly when it will really start
Thx, to one guy of the old man team on TS I got the password [did not assume it would have been the same (usual) password as on the prac. severs this time for some reason or no reason
, so I asked here and on TS]. Then jonied the server and.. (see above).
But nevertheless, at least our team scored in the points .
I spun three times, so could have been a very few pos. better result otherwise also.
One spin with a contact while me overtaking a Nissan (that one was the worst, because I lost touch to SAU and the other Nissan driver in front), and the other two spins
unnecessarily on a curb (used lowest possible ride height rear+front, which possibly didn't help either when driving/getting fully over a curb