Released RBR - South Estonia NEW stages!!!

Coming.. :)

Hi, I really enjoy the tracks, but I have a problem. On every track the default tyres are tarmac ones, and on gravel its undriveable. Any ideas how to change the tyres?
Cause BTB Estonia stages are not compatible with the RBR default pacenotes,
So I'm making all 15 Estonia Stages pacenote.
and I've collected BTB Estonia tracks and added a pacenotes.

This file contains the stages and pacenotes below.
Alakyla SPRINT 4.3km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike kitsas 11.4 km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike lai 11.3 km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike-Kargula 14.4 km, Gravel
Arula II, 10.6 km, Grave
Arula, 10.6 km, Gravel
Haanja Kokemae II 8.6 km, Gravel
Haanja Kokemae, 12km, Gravel 71 Tarmac 29
Haanja Kurgjarve, 8.9 km, Gravel 95 Tarmac 5
Haanja Ristee 12.4 km, Gravel 98 Tarmac 2
Otepaa powerstage, 7.3 km, Tarmac 80 Gravel 20
Plaani, 7.2 km, Gravel
Plaani II, 7.2 km, Gravel
Suured Munad, 8.8km, Gravel 95 Tarmac 5
Voru-linn 2.7km, Tarmac

Have Fun!
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Cause BTB Estonia stages are not compatible with the RBR default pacenotes,
So I'm making all 15 Estonia Stages pacenote.
and I've collected BTB Estonia files and added a pacenotes.

This file contains the stages and pacenotes below.
Alakyla SPRINT 4.3km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike kitsas 11.4 km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike lai 11.3 km, Gravel
Alakyla-Vidrike-Kargula 14.4 km, Gravel
Arula II, 10.6 km, Grave
Arula, 10.6 km, Gravel
Haanja Kokemae II 8.6 km, Gravel
Haanja Kokemae, 12km, Gravel 71 Tarmac 29
Haanja Kurgjarve, 8.9 km, Gravel 95 Tarmac 5
Haanja Ristee 12.4 km, Gravel 98 Tarmac 2
Otepaa powerstage, 7.3 km, Tarmac 80 Gravel 20
Plaani, 7.2 km, Gravel
Plaani II, 7.2 km, Gravel
Suured Munad, 8.8km, Gravel 95 Tarmac 5
Voru-linn 2.7km, Tarmac

Have Fun!
and where are the tracks themselves download ???
these specials are amazing thank you very much! I would be interested to try to do some special stages close to my home (Belgium) like Boucles de Spa, Ypres, Condroz etc...
Did you use a special method for the creation ? I've heard of the Zaxxon method, but I don't know if you use that.
Thank you in advance.
First you need download rbr patch and install it
Then download and intall plugin

Then.. Create the "RX_CONTENT" folder to rbr directory by yourself. Inside it create a "Tracks" folder

then download this file and put it plugins folder in rbr folder

Then you can download these stages and unpack it rx_content and tracks folder. play it from options>plugins>rbr_rx

Hope you understand! Sorry for my english!

Links dead. How do I install these stages today?