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Seems to get better each time listening to it.

The german group wrote it for a friend who died at young age because of cancer.
The video catches the emotions beatifully, the song is great and the lyrics absolutely fitting, though you might not understand them cause they are in german. The video explains it quite well, though

For this one... It's a thing done by Andy Rehfeldt, some may know him. He takes a video of a song, only uses the vocal track and replaces the background with stuff he plays. For example Wrecking Ball in a Metal version. Often looks funny, sounds funny, but he puts much effort into it. Some videos have insane guitar licks in it. On the other hand he often take Death Metal songs and repalces the metal with chilled music, Reggae or Jazz. Really high quality work, some are funny, some even sound quite good.

This one is one of the good sounding ones, i love this mashup. Taking the vocal track from Bob Marley's Is this love and putting guitars under it. Sounds perfect to me somehow, check it out. Also he really tries to fit his music to the movements in the video, its awesome detailed work.

I raise you my favourite piece of music from legendary Pink Floyd. Just turn up the volume, lay down, focus on the music, no distractions. Or good headphones. Love it :D

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