Rate the song

So basically, you've got self-esteem problems, gotcha.

This isn't supposed to be serious you know. It's called "Rate the Song", not "You must only post actual music". Does my stuff count as songs? Yes. Is that what the thread is about? Yes.

You started all this arguments with snidy comments. If you don't like it much, why don't you start posting good songs then?
Eeeeeh... Nope. 1/10. Can't stand rap like that... :S

Two versions of the "same" song, but two different feel. From "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni", which is a Visual Novel and later adapted as an Anime. It's quite dark and intense.

William, these songs are very beautiful! The lyrics and the instrumentals are so lovely!

I give both of them a 10/10.

I almost gave the second version of that song a 9 because it started slow, but, I gave it a perfect rating because the rest of the song was very sweet-sounding.


I chose not rate your song because 1) It doesn't seem like a song; 2) I would have given it an extremely low rating.

I'm sorry for taking sides, but, your music tastes are something we find to be intricate, and, you're not really doing justice to our songs, either.

Look, William doesn't like rap while I like certain genres more than others, but, I open my ears to all genres except gospel and modern country. Still, I respect his tastes and I do everything to be objective in hearing and rating a song

Anyway, here's another anime song; this one makes me cry everytime I hear it:

Here's the translation of the song:
Intricate? Well what is wrong with posting pop songs doing well in the charts? If lots of people are buying it, surely it is not "intricate".

If I listen to a song, I rate it. I don't like the songs William and Marcel post, simple as. If I want to post a song that is funny, witty are just general crap I seem to like for some reason or another, I am free to do so.

Now lets stop complaining about each other and live with the fact that the only people who post in this thread hate each others music choices.
Yeah Toast - Joke
Triangle Solo - Joke
Cha Cha Slide - Actual Chart Song
Get Low - Actual Song
Waves - Actual Chart song
Language - Actual Chart Song
Rollin' - Actual Chart Song
Biblical - Actual Chart song
Turn Down for What - Actual Chart Song/Tongue in Cheek
Make it Bun Dem - Actual Song/Tongue in Cheek

All of which I actually like a lot.

So by recently, you mean the past 2 I posted. You have to go back over a month to find a sogn that's a bit tongue in cheek. You have to go back to March the 25th to find a joke song (#SELFIE), and even that counts as an Actual Chart Song.
Seriously, this music video above is evidence enough for me to question the (popular) charts. However this doesn't mean that good and/or honest music can't make into the tops; its just hard for them when commercial labels buy their selfs into it to make cash from junk. Worst thing is that many people will buy into it, because they think it is great to go with the popular. However to me it seems like they're not questioning the market strategies but blindly follows them no matter good or bad. While doing so they're missing out on the gems.

Tastes differ, that's not a problem at all. But I always try to open my mind and get interested into other genres - actually I do enjoy many different genres - by listening carefully to the presented songs. Sometimes I even tend to listen multiple times to one song because more or less complex songs grow with multiple listening while detecting the little details that make a song great. Also just because I do not like a certain song, it doesn't make it a bad one per se. I always try to put a bit of objectivity into my ratings before dishing out one point of ten. But for this, I ask for a certain level of (artistic) aspiration so I can take a certain artist and his or her music seriously. Otherwise I could start up my own campfire guitar band, teletubbies act or produce my own generic songs out of musicmaker plus a standard drum machine. But listening to my own productions would literally have the same effect on me like listening to El Chombo for example.

Overall I'm with Mohammed!

Somebody else will have the pleasure to rate El Chombo.;)
1/10, then...

Another Higurashi song, this time the opening for the second season (Kai), very fitting to the series.
Naraku no Hana
"Flower of Hell"

Come, let's forget that future
that is becoming smeared with blood again.
If a warm wind curls into a spiral,
that is probably a sign.

Escape, escape,
from this sorrowful fate.
You are not a flower of Hell.
In that kind of place
Don't bloom there, don't bloom there
Don't let them ensnare you.

Shards of time fly by without a sound.

Who is grasping my hand?
Who is stroking my hair?
Now, in the crying sprouts,
I can feel the signal.

Fly away, fly away,
from the wheels of fate.
You are not a flower of Hell.
In that kind of place,
don't scatter your petals, don't scatter your petals,
and don't sow your seeds.

Everchanging karma spreads its seeds once more.

Escape, escape,
from this sorrowful fate.
You are not a flower of Naraku.
In that kind of place
Don't bloom there, don't bloom there
Don't let them ensnare you.

Shards of time fly by without a sound.
7/10 Only ever heard 2 Chicane songs (Stoned in Love and Poppihola), never knew about this one.

Take it seriously? OK, but to prove my point, I am posting a proper song, and i bet it gets bad ratings.
If I'd rate it, yeah, 'cause I don't like that, it feels generic and conveys no emotion. But at least it's not a joke.

Stop being offended by people not liking what you like, that's just retarded.
I have an idea... Let's ignore Jim until he actually does this seriously, lol.
From the guy who said this. Of course I'm going to be offended now. I was OK, with it until you made this post.

Even if what I posted is obviously junk, I won't post it unless it has charted in the top 40, therefore making it a "genuine" """""song""""" (So to speak), thereby kinda justifying it. Alright?
I'll give you a rating Jim, in the hope of moving things along if anything as I used to come here quite a bit to get a taster of some different music but it seems this thread has become some what derailed...

I don't mind the Prodigy, pretty much the only dance like music I can listen to on a day to day basis. But I personally prefer the album before so I'll go with 6.5/10

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From the guy who said this. Of course I'm going to be offended now. I was OK, with it until you made this post.

Even if what I posted is obviously junk, I won't post it unless it has charted in the top 40, therefore making it a "genuine" """""song""""" (So to speak), thereby kinda justifying it. Alright?
Whatever mate, when you stop acting like a child maybe you'll realise that getting offended is pointless in life.

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