Rally - Burning The Midnight Oil - Mon 11th & Tue 12th May 2015

Try the update 03 and then, before trying update 04 again, delete all Update 04 files you have laying around.

I've had the issue, though that was with GSC Extreme, that if I had two of the same files, no matter the number of the install file (for example Update 04 AND Update 04 (1)) it still read the first file I had laying around of the same number which was faulty, took me 2 weeks to fathom that issue out.

If that doesn't work, try a completely new install of RBR before you consider a System restore.
I deleted the old ver 4 before downloading the ver Roy posted - that ran ok and finished correctly but I'm still left with the same issue. Tried a system restore but that failed so I think I'm left with a new installation (very annoying as I have customised notes and setups - hopefully I can back them up). Lesson learn't - do system backup before any updates from Rallyesim :(:mad::poop:
Thanks Roy for setting up yet another nice event.
Besides usual offs and cuts and half-spins I came trough quite nicely.

Why did we have to download NGP and BTB? Those weren't necessary were they?
Well always when I come over from racing sims the FWD in RBR seems a little bit too digital on the throttle. No acceleration or only spinning wheels...

Oh, and Midnight Oil but no Australian stage? Gonna burn my bed!
I forgot to remove the NGP and BTB-packs from the posts, didn't I? Quick copy-paste of last weeks event in the lunch break at work when I set it all up, did not spot that one.
Will remove them for next weeks posts ;)
Hmm ......John I don't like it so much, but I'm not any expert here. The Dirt game is better in all factors except the one I think is the one that counts and that is the handling and response of the car.
In that area RBR is way better than Dirt.
I guess I'm a sim gamer and don't like arcade games. I must feel what the car is doing or else I don't see the point with driving. It don't help with stunning graphics or other impressive things if the car has it's own mind and I'm just a passenger.