Rally - Annual Richard Burns Tribute Rally 2012

man... no practice + powerful car + unknown stages = hilarity and plenty of red i'm sure.

YEP. lots of red. finally got a good feel for the car later on. Also I learned to not have multiple cam-hacks open. quite the learning experience, but crazy tracks and crazy car! fun times.

Thanks again for the rally!
Overall, I think I had a really good really. I over shot some of the tight turns at hardwood forest, had to reverse but didn't hit anything. I also hit a tree with my tail on Bisanne but it didn't do much to the car, it drove the same. The tarmac tracks get me but I managed to get through them. The Monte-Carlo mod... just feels slow, I think that's why I don't particularly like that mod. Still fun tho. I do however love Finland, smooth & fast tracks regardless the terrain. I didn't practice much at all for this even tho I suggested the event.:)

Thanks Warren & Senad for posting the event and for the speedy result postings.
Damien your the man with the banners dude. Makes it much more appealing to new drivers.
Fun rally but a comedy of errors for me. The worse part of it was losing engine controls on 7th stage & starting the final stage with the same thing - no throttle... It turned out to be that my pedal cable came unplugged at the wheel. :mad: And all this time I thought it was just the accumulated damage. :cool:
Gonna skip this one after all. Just guess how tired I am at the moment after staying up all night long watching that 6 hour long Daytona... It was 8 am when I finally got to sleep :D
and as usual, I fail once again :mad:
I did so many stages well and then lost concentration after doing an ogier on Joux Verte.
then my net decided to cut out during mineshaft which was even better!
anyway, did enjoy what I did manage to get done.
Cheers Warren and Senad once again ^^
Tah Jack, I tried that and it didnt seem to help.. then I changed my RSRBR setting back to +1 (I had that on +10 :eek: ) .. and it seems to work properly now, but yeah too little too late! :(

On the bright side, should be sorted for next time! Woo Hoo!! :cool:
That was enjoyable, although I had a couple of strange bugs tonight.
The first 4 stages went quite well, (by my standards), but I made a few silly errors on SS05 and SS06, costing a lot of time but finished them ok.
Ran a pretty poor Mineshaft, couldn't get used to the car sliding a lot, but finished in a rather slowish time. However, my final time didn't show in the Server, it just kept showing "in progress" even though I had finished. :confused:
So I went to SS08, and my time for that Stage showed ok. However, I had a very strange experience half way through SS08. Suddenly the car died, it would rev ok but wouldn't drive, almost like something was jammed under the car. I kept stopping and going forward again, and eventually it started driving ok again. After checking the replay, it seems that the rear wheels just locked up and stayed locked, as if the handbrake was applied (but I hadn't touched the handbrake). Then suddenly, it unlocked again after about 20 seconds or so. Really weird. :confused:
Never seen that bug before. As a result my SS08 time was pretty poor. :(

Oh well, it was still an enjoyable Rally, I thought the Suby was ok to drive, but it was hard adapting to the changing surfaces and weather.
Thanks to Jeremy for the TS chatting, and Mike while he was on TS at the start.

Senad, I have Emailed you my HTML times file and the screenshot, to confirm my times for SS07.
Tah Jack, I tried that and it didnt seem to help.. then I changed my RSRBR setting back to +1 (I had that on +10 :eek: ) .. and it seems to work properly now, but yeah too little too late! :(

On the bright side, should be sorted for next time! Woo Hoo!! :cool:
If you want, we could set another session up for ya, since it's your first event and all :)
If you want, we could set another session up for ya, since it's your first event and all :)
If a new session will be created later tonight I will try to join that one. I missed both the sessions I wanted to try last night because of the rebuilding of my end of the second floor where I live. My gaming computer was the first thing to be moved out of the room, and of course it was the last item to get out again aswell :p
If a new session will be created later tonight I will try to join that one. I missed both the sessions I wanted to try last night because of the rebuilding of my end of the second floor where I live. My gaming computer was the first thing to be moved out of the room, and of course it was the last item to get out again aswell :p
I'm much too lazy and busy and tired to do the results now, so I'll create a session for you, and do it all later tonight :D


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