RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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My screen froze just as i was goin over the start and finish line race 1, night over nightmare gutted
awful team-result, got a freeze in quali and then when i was waiting for it to end and maybe be able to join warm up somehow, the program went down completely. nice
Just the same as in the last test-broadcasted event, shame, in the "normal" clubraces this does not happen. I'm speechless, all the testing for nothing again. My ATCC season will be ridiculous if this will always happen when a broadcast is on...16 discos. I should stay with club-racing
Thought it went as well as I could expect.

Actually did very few laps prior to the race event. Had big problems getting sound in the puter which detracted from my time to drive.

Q'd VERY POORLY for myself. Down in 23rd I believe. Very smart for the first 2 laps and climbed out of the hole without any incidents. Pitted later and thats was not the best choice. Tire wear was too uneven and I sufferd some wild handling. Held onto 10th after taking it from Stefan who tried his damndest take it back. Great battle! UP 13 spots from the start!

Started R2 in 10th. Dropped to 12th at T1 but get out clean. Race on and eventually get clean track. Abdul is with me on the early stop and we battle hard til I screw it up and Abdul is gone! Stefan rolls on me while I reach a slow Michael Carver who has front clip gone. Thankfully we dont wreck each other but this costs me alot of time and Stefan is on me again! We battle hard, Stefan tries a crazy inside move and I slow and let him sail by.

I hold onto 10th again!

Well not the best result but hey I sure am consistent!!!!!!!! LOL
Despite the Nürburgring being my home track, I never really seem to go well here. I just can't seem to find a good rythem.

Q: Had an ok lap to secure 14th on the grid.

R1: The start was crazy as there was loads of lag. A car appeared out of thin air in front of me, I tried to avoid it and went into the wall as Dariusz let me know he was behind me. Had a few decent battles with Micheal van Scheppingen and Eric Nelson, but I just couldn't find a way around either of them and had to settle for 11th.

R2: Despite getting a great start, I got caught up in traffic and dropped right back down to 14th or so during the course of lap one. Decided to go for a early pit this time and followed Abdul and Eric in. Came out right on their tail and stayed there for a lap or two until Edwardo came out of the pits in front of me. I tried to out brake him into T1, but he was right beside me and I had to back off. A few laps later I was closing quickly on Eric, whom seemed to be struggling. I tried my hardest to find a way past with no luck and eventually the frustration got to me and I just had to try. I got a bit of a run on him coming out of the fast up hill chicane and managed to get beside him, but I missed my braking point and went straight on. Excellent job by Eric to avoid the worst. I was back on Eric's tail a few turns later, but was unable to launch another attack and finished 11th again.
Tonight was again a session where I learned alot, especially from the guys on TS after the race.

Thanks guys. :thanks:

I ran the C30 for the first time ever here, and the car was a "Pocket Rocket." :D Huge power, but a tyre shredder in my hands. But with me jumping around cars trying to find a suitable car for me, I ended up putting myself in a bad posistion going into quali. So just picked it as it felt atleast a good bit more comfortable to drive than say the 308 or A4.

But I did at least get a 2:09 in quali, compared to 2:10s and 2:11s in practice, so not too bad.

Even though I was having some problems and was on the back foot, I did have some great fun, even if the car was a right handful at times. Had some nice fights with people, and it was good to see how different cars fought against each other. S60 Vs C30 with Rhys was fun, my power vs his handiling.

Look forward to the season, even if I can't stay in server one all the time. But one thing is for certain,



FIRST OFF ALL AWSOME JOB WITH BROADCAST((lot's a tv time for me)great commentary, great organizing, great stuff all toghether

PRACTICE >>> i new that i could do high 8's but when i saw high 7's with low 8's (bugger i'm dead slow)since i'm not to good at setup tried somestuff and helped me a bit....

QUALI>>> i did a 08.045 with some little mistakes...11place..but new that i had a better race pace from some guys in the front

RACE 1 >>> in formation lap a pegout keep stilling my 11th place trough the lap but in the end started 11..good start managed to fend off accidents and get to 9th in first corner,then after 8 and a lap or two later 7....the Prado spone and i was 6th realy struglin to keep up with Dan Asbury and his BMW, the pit's came and as i found out later the second line is the limiter one and lost 5 places on pits...came out 11th....after that...got my pace low 8's and soon i found my self in 9th place with 3laps to go,Abdul was in front off me, and i was determend to get that 8place....and he did a mistake....got 8th place....real hapy with that
RACE 2>>>> so pole position(i'm a terible starter)the strategy was to get inside line as fast as i could...START!- Dan whent flying into first place..i had to defend from a pegout..then after corner 1...whent for Dan as i sensed he had a slower pace at the beginning....got a very good exit in last corner....down the straight side/side, he held the inside line and "forced"him to brake late,got the inside and good exit from corner 1, troug outside in corner two and had the lead...now pedal to the medal to make a gap,managed about 2.5 until i saw KEITH in second place..(concentrate,low08's,defend)he wasn't making that much time on me....they pitted..i pitted a lap later,and was thinking that i will come out in front(defend like al hell broke lose)but again pitlimiter at first white line...that cost me 1 and 2'nd place....was right at the back of KANE but change tyres to wrong side....and could;t keep up after 2laps.....a 3'd finish at the end

OVERALL- 4th place....realy nice....nice battles...and i need to go to america to find some off that speed....since i'm a midpack driver....

10-x RD
10-x for the commentator ho tried their best to prononce my name right:))
10-x organizers.....

p.s. > 10-x keith for advice
Horrible event for me.

Qualifying: 20th. The car seemed to feel worse and worse as I went through practice, and by qualifying I felt nowhere.

Race 1: Forgettable. I had no feel for the car at all - there was understeer then oversteer, the brakes worked but then they didn't, and my head was somewhere else. I didn't finish far away from my starting position...

Race 2: Much the same. The less said about it the better. :frown:

All the same, it was some nice racing. I'm downloading the broadcast now, so I at least have something to look forward to after this dismal showing. See you all next week...
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