RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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  25. Driver
No problem Ethan, I was braking to avoid the Vectra spinning- this place is too narrow to be darting about off the start. Nice fight in race 1, I didn't have the grip in the second race plus suspsension damage slowing me down.
Sorry Stefan for the lag tend to have a few drops in wet races, using anti lag and graphics turned right down but still goes. I've been meaning to sorted a wired connection for ages will (hopefully) sort this week as I'm off work.
Benjamin Linstruiser moved left, being completely un aware that Eric Plimmer's Honda has his front wheels in line with the rear of his Vectra. He is then spun round, and hit by leonardo Tuma. Us lot behind braked to avoid joining in.​

Race 2: I really had no way of avoiding Benjamin, but I do think my poor start from 3rd on the grid may have contributed toward the incident. I grabbed 2nd way too early and bogged down allowing the fast starters behind to swamp me. Anyway, due to that incident, I ended up bouncing off the wall and back on to the track with suspension damage....this didn't slow me down too much so I carried on to the Pitstop and just changed the 2 tyres ignoring the damage. Glad I did because I then went on to finish 4th in the 2nd race - my best result so far in S2000.

I was so pleased and shocked to qualify 6th in these conditions and at this difficult track and to go on in the 1st race to finish 6th.

Excellent report by the way Ethan, I totally enjoyed myself as well. Many thanks to Ivo and RD for another superb event.
Well, that was the worst race I have ever had....

I will start by apologising to those in 18th and 19 and 20th in the first few laps...now to tell you why I am apologising.

I got a stormer of a start in race 1, moving up to 4th from 8th...I was in the zone, happy as can be and challenging for 3rd, in control and loving it. But the race was restarted...I have no idea why and it totally blew my rhythm.

On the restart, I got a good start agian and held 4th, but then it went wrong. I just couldn't find the grove and got wide on Tamburello and spun into the wall. I waited to 20th had gone past and rejoined. Now, I am flustered and a bit upset at hvaing dropped from 4th to 20th. I carve up behind 19th catching him and 18th having a bar stormer of a battle. I wait a lap and then get ready for a pass....into Rivazza, I go to brake at my normal point, placing the car on the left. But 19th and 18th brake about 50 yards earlier than I would....I try to dart a bit left to avoid, but get a rear wheel on the grass and spin into the gravel, hitting 19th on the way.

I rejoin, letting 19th go and then try the same again. I come storming up behind 19th and again 18th and agian coming into Rivazza, I try another pass and again, they brake so much earlier than I would. A bit like ground hog day, I dart left and try to avoid hitting them, only to spin into 19th, taking him into the gravel with me.

I am almost passing out with embarrasement...I say sry and them quit, rather than do any more damage to the back markers. I am obviously off my game and not thinking....

Quit for another night when maybe I will recognise the braking points of other drivers :)
Floating on the Honda cloud to the disco nightmare!

Driver Kane Lasky of the Bon Accord Ultimate Racing II Team, took the private ATCC test Honda out to the beautiful Connecticut countryside utilizing the back to back races at Lime Rock Mountain, and continued testing the available pedigree for the upcoming season.

Practice: due to the recent race event at the Mountain Lime Rock facility for Bon Accord Ultimate Racing II Team felt they had a good baseline setup, and the first flying lap of the 1:38.9 after the Honda was rolled out of the truck showed that the setup was good. Another flying lap under the one minute 39 mark proved she was up to the task and ready for qualifying. The Honda has proven to be a fast car and a good hot Lapper, even with the fuel load relatively high.

Qualifying: the 10 minute session was used as a warm-up for the race with full fuel load and the high 38 lap was good enough for the front row in P1

Race One: knowing the Honda was quick from start to team was more interested in the continued race pace and feel of the car after the eight lap mark. Being roadhouse Nelsons home circuit, the team were looking for good Sunday battle. A great launch from the front row and a clean precise first lap saw a small gap at the line back to Gardner who also had gotten a good start and was running clean precise laps and being hunted down by Nelson. The battle was not to be at the front as Gardner and Nelson scrap it out for a few laps, until Nelson snuck by made it stick and started to push his pace and attentions towards the front. On lap eight Lasky managed to drop a wheel in the grass on the entry to the second to last right-hander before the end of a lap, contacting the barrier hard, and enough damage to spoil the team's chances to get any accurate data about late race pace. An accidental press of the pit speed limiter instead of the windshield wipers saw Nelson smelling blood in the last few laps. The car was still good enough to do mid-40s and I was keeping eye on the blue lion coming out of the hairpin every lap checking the gap. Nelson said he was going to bring the ninja powers soon, and he wasn't kidding. I crossed the stripe with an 8 second or so gap and thought Mr. Nelson had a moment pushing to catch up. Watching the replay his car literally disappears for several seconds and reappears back on the track. No one else in the replay is affected, shakes, or disappears except Nelson... discussions with the team saw slight reasons for concern if the accuracy of the ninja magic improves!?!

Race two: the team was looking to get solid data in race two on the Honda's late race feel. After starting on the back row for R2 due to the reverse finishing order, a good launch quickly turned into a rookie mistake, not leaving enough buffer behind Nelson and giving him a good enough push for him to tap into Ethan Bass and put the three of us into the spin cycle. Gardner had slipped through, and knowing he had good pace in the first race, I took my well-deserved spot in last and started to put the Honda through her paces to see what she had. Sorry guys, I made a note to myself before the start to take it easy and be careful in T1, my mistake. I thought Eric was going to be aggressive and was right on his tail. Nonetheless, Gardner was off to the races and Nelson was right ahead of me. I was wondering how the Honda was going to break for the hairpin compared to the Peugeot. For me the Honda seems to be weak only in this one area. I not sure if it's just the way I have a car set up or characteristic of the car. Anyways, it wasn't to be as the Honda pushed its way through a little opening in the fast downhill right-hander heading to the hairpin. This is one place the Honda is definitely better than the Peugeot, the fast downhill right-hander...it's very easy to get a good run out of turn three and is very easy to push down the hill and hit your marks. I set immediately to work as Gardner had a 10 second cushion and was running good consistent laps. The Honda's easy pace in the 39 bracket, and a polite Ethan Bass saw me up to second place and reducing the gap. Simon looked deserving of the win, the team were looking to see what the late race potential of the Honda would be, and the driver was happy pushing the car to the stops and having a carrot to chase. Unfortunately, the Honda succumbed to an electrical problem on lap 11, and came to a stop on the side of the track, leaving the team with no concrete data after two races and missing the podium again after showing good pace. Two DNF's in the last four races while battling for podium positions has left the team with work to be done less than two weeks to the pre-qualifying round, just a few hours down the road at the fabulous Watkins Glen GP circuit.

Team notes: the team were packed up and thinking of late afternoon lunch. It was a mixed weekend but every single member of the Bon Accord Ultimate Racing II Team was looking forward to heading to the airport tomorrow. November is a great time for beer drinking and brats in Germany and enthusiasm was high heading to the famous GP venue for one of the last preseason shakedowns at one of the tracks on the ATCC schedule. Asked what he thought the difference was between the Peugeot and the Honda at Lime Rock Mountain driver Kane Lasky said," compared to the Peugeot 407 which felt like it was on rails... the Honda felt as if it were floating like a cloud, a fast cloud." It seems two of the three drivers have confirmed their car choice and there is considerable pressure to sign the deal and pushed through the final sponsor agreements before the prequalification event. Have a great week... see you at the track!
Good write up Lasky. You defiitly had the fastest outright pace today.

Though I am confused about this below:

The Honda's easy pace in the 39 bracket, and a polite Ethan Bass saw me up to second place and reducing the gap.

This was written in reference to race two, and after the accident at turn one, I was sitting in last once I got going again. Only thing I did was hunt down Nathan in the Lada, fall off a couple of times, and discover that either a) I'm very hard on my tyres in the Alfa, or b) (Going to guess this) The setup is too hard on tyres. The setup used, comprised of 180 KPA pressure and 4.2 camber on the fronts, and every front bump and rebound sitting at 4, springs at 80 and ARB at 50. With the rear at 190KPA and 3.0 camber, bump and rebound at 14, springs at 110, and ARB at 100.

I have thankfully found out through testing constantly with the Alfa, how to setup a FWD car to my liking. "A fundamentally unstable car that has a rear that'll slide on entry, allowing for less steering angle to be needed and for power to be applied sooner." Would love to setup the Merc like this.

Thankfully, there is still time until pre-qualification, so more testing is to be done. Off to Nurburgring GP circuit, always a good track at finding strenghts and weakness in cars.
Probably got his 'E's crossed :). I think that was me he was referring to. Once he got past Chris he caught me pretty quick, so I gave him plenty of room to get by me in the hairpin, as he was much faster and I was making no progress on Simon.
After struggling to be consistent with the Alfa Romeo on Friday's race here I thought I'd try the Peugeot 407 and wow what a difference- it just keeps on going lap after lap.
Setups are a weakness with me but testing late last night with Chris under the influence of a lot of alcohol I made some tweaks to Keith's Lacetti setup which found me 6 tenths, braking into the 1m39s for the frist time.

Qualified 3rd and took 2nd as Eric Nelson made a slow start had a nice battle with him for the first half of the race before making a mistake at turn 1 and losing momentum. Stayed in touch for a while and we both closed on Kane but soon after that tyres were going off so dropped back but held on to 3rd as a big gap back to the rest.

Race 2 starting 6th hugged in the inside going into turn 1 and saw Ethan going backwards and collecting Eric N so up into 3rd place. Nathan and Eric E were ahead, Nathan goes off and Eric loses momentuum and I take the lead.
Continue to lead from Eric's SEAT and slowly bulding a gap throughout the race. At one point Kane made it through into second and I was expecting him to catch me and be all over me in the final laps as the tyre wear set in but he discos taking the pressure off me to take the flag for my first win on RD.
OK only 7 cars started but a wins a win and it feels great to get that monkey off my back.
Nice racing see you at Nurburgring.
Yes, My apologies Ethan and Eric{lol}... it was actually Eric Estes who let me slip by at the hairpin for second place later in the race without too much of a fight.

As for the tire problem on the Alfa it seems to be a characteristic of the car. It turned some impressive consistent lap times in a private online server with the Alfa At Lime Rock Mountain Park but had a difficult time finding a setup that would let me duplicate those times after the pit stop. I tried several different things top to bottom but could not find a balance that would allow me to run what I thought a winning pace would be after the pit stops. I also raced the Alfa at the Bathurst event and lap within .8 over the fastest ever ATCC car there, however my car was very difficult to drive after the pit and hurt my finishing position considerably.

im about to post a write up on the FWD cars in the beta section in a bit...let me know what everyone thinks about the cars from there vbiew. not sure how uch testing others have done...
Great race Simon! You are looking very good today in the Peugeot. I watched several laps of youin the video replay for the race report, and you looked very very smooth! The car seems to suit you well and I was thinking a bit of aggression might gain you another half a second or so, especially in the T-2 section. You looked good and held on to Eric after he got by until the tires went off... great job!
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