Question for Gseat GS5 owners!

I will keep you posted. Will probably be about a month before it arrives.

Note that the dbox 4 actuators are a zero footprint increase option. The controllers fit nicely under the seat and pedal deck and the actuators are really just like 4 legs of a table.
That's not the recommended way to mount them. They are supposed to be mounted wider than the chassis as close to square as possible.
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  • Deleted member 1066209


I am wondering if one of the G-seat owners can provide a video of the seat in action. I am interested in understanding how noisy the seat is, and whether I'd be able to disregard it while racing.
He doesn't mean the actuators go under seat and pedals, he means the control boxes with the electronics. You'd have to be REALLY strapped for space to not be able to accommodate a 4 actuator system. The 100x100mm profile for the SFX actuators are huge and they really don't impact on space at all. The D-Box ones are tiny in comparison. It's nothing like adding triple screens to a compact single screen solution. That said, I'd still take G-Seat + G-Belt over a chassis mover any day. It is a pretty cost prohibitive solution though, being in Aus. It's getting up around the $8K AUD mark for both, so a G-Belt is the best bang for the buck addition in my opinion.
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I did mean the actuators which are supposed to be positioned in a square ideally.
With my rig if I ever did this, I can only assume I would need to lose the NLRv3 to create room to mount the control boxes inside the chassis.

But to be fair, I'm very happy with my Tactile, NLRv3, G-Belt, FFB combination, so I'm not going near this.

What is more problematic would be moving the rig around. I don't have room to keep a dolly around like HoiHman uses and every method I've looked at has been bulky.
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I did mean the actuators which are supposed to be positioned in a square ideally.
With my rig if I ever did this, I can only assume I would need to lose the NLRv3 to create room to mount the control boxes inside the chassis.

But to be fair, I'm very happy with my Tactile, NLRv3, G-Belt, FFB combination, so I'm not going near this.

What is more problematic would be moving the rig around. I don't have room to keep a dolly around like HoiHman uses and every method I've looked at has been bulky.
Furniture sliders :)
Hey all,

Newbie here
Is the GS5 like the NLRv3? Or can you use them together? I dont have actuators

The NLRv3 has weight restrictions and the GS-5 weighs 75lbs.

The Kirkley metal seat has a wide mount as well, so you would need to fabricate a means of attaching the seat to the NLRv3.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but it's probably not a good idea.
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I think you're jumping the gun there Mark. I took the question as "what is the difference between the two?" The answer to that is that the V3 is a seat moving motion unit, one that requires a seat to be mounted to it to use and the GS5 is an actual race seat with built in panels that move to simulate G forces felt in a real car. They are absolutely two different approaches to simulating being in a real vehicle and depending where you are are also quite different in their practicality in obtaining one.
Appreciate your insights guys, hasnt made my decision any easier thinking of getting the GS5 first then i will suss out potentially adding the Nlr V3 or the nj motion compact not looking to be the fastest on track, i want immersion.

Thanks again
Checking back in. I have had my GS5 for at least three months now. I really like it.

I can’t imagine that it would be as effective with a seat mover, as it would be with actuator based motion system.

In terms of my experience so far, it has really increased the level of immersion in Racing. It is also a comfortable seat, and that is compared to the Ricardo reclining seat and race tech bucket seats that I had before. I also think some of the early issues people had, like the wearing down or shaving of the seat cover cushioning by the actuator panels have been solved because my GS5 seat cover has a cloth surface protecting the foam underneath.

I would say that the noise of gseat and Gbelt (more so Gbelt) can get a little annoying, but I have been able to reduce the annoying-ness by limiting effects to only G-Force effects, and increasing the smoothing slider (4-5 for the bottom and back; and 8-10 for G-belt), so that they are not so twitchy.

I would say that the noise of gseat and Gbelt (more so Gbelt) can get a little annoying, but I have been able to reduce the annoying-ness by limiting effects to only G-Force effects, and increasing the smoothing slider (4-5 for the bottom and back; and 8-10 for G-belt), so that they are not so twitchy.

I might give that a go and see how it affects noise levels. At least if you know how to reduce it, you can if you want.
Something else to highlight after all this time is that the GS5 is built like a tank. I have little concern of a mechanical failure. I would rather noisy reliable parts than flaky quiet ones :)
  • Deleted member 1066209

Do your lap times improve with the addition of a GS-5 seat?
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Do your lap times improve with the addition of a GS-5 seat?
Motion, tactile, and G-force pressure all add to immersion, but I think you would be hard pressed to find any evidence that they improve your times. In fact I know a number of people who have told me that their lap times have dropped since they added all of these.

What does happen is that you come to rely on feeling some effects and it wrecks your concentration if you lose them.

Having a consistent easy to modulate brake pedal matters and that has been proven. People say their FFB matters, but I would also say that people become reliant on what they are feeling and this is something that can be argued as well.

People "think" all kinds of things, but the only A/B tests I've seen with any sort of proof are for brake pedals.
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Do your lap times improve with the addition of a GS-5 seat?
If anything, it makes it harder. But isn’t that the point. In real life, it’s not the driving alone that is so impressive. It’s the driving under such extreme conditions.

It also makes it feel more realistic in part because your body gets to sense and process information from multiple sources, just as we do in real life.
  • Deleted member 1066209

Thanks guys, your input is very informative!
GS-5 seat owner here for almost 3 years now and even after 3 years it's still a pretty awesome addition to my rig.

In that video i see him sitting on a seat rail with is extended to the very end which probably attributes to the flex of the entire seat. The GS-5 is build like a tank and super heavy. (explains the high shipping cost)

Some long term observations :

- Flex in the seat is a not an issue.
- I use the GS-5 panels for simulating G-s only, no bumps or other effects. On my request Pat Dotson even made a "Henk mode" to have better filtering and smooth build up of the G-forces
- Simulated G-s in corners are awesome and so is surge, still after almost 3 years.
- Acceleration can sometimes be mind blowing
- A seatbelt is mandatory and the difference between sitting on top of the GS-5 vs sitting in the GS-5
- The GS-5 seat has been rock solid, with excellent performance in last 3 years
- Adding exciters to the 4 panels is also mandatory. I did this 9 months ago and regret that i did not do this 2 years earlier. Probably the best tactile upgrade you can do for the money.
-The seat is very wide. If you have a smaller body, you need to add extra foam under the cover on the sides
- The placement of the bottom panels basically suck. They are situated way too deep and the angle is wrong especially when combined with a higher placed pedal tray (f1 style)
- The GS-5 is a very very noisy bugger. It's by far the loudest part on my rig. If noise is an issue for you, you should definitely pass on the GS-5 (and probably the G-belt since the servos are the same i guess)
-My Sony noise cancelling headphone filters out all the high pitch noises from the GS-5 servos and ihmo should be included in the box. Yes it's that loud.
-Active belt tensioning can not be simulated by the GS-5, so yes if you want to : Get both
-If you want all 4 belts tensioned for even better braking simulation (immersion) get 2 G-belts or build a 4 belt tensioner yourself.

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