
Apps proTyres 2.0.0

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a screenshot

and the py_log.txt
CrewChief Was Here! damage report ?
Shift Light Car = bmw_m3_e30_dtm
Esotic Shift Light loading config
maxRPM = 10232.5
MinRPM = 5500.0
WarnRPM = 8400.0
ShiftRPM = 8700.0
maxGear = 6
F1_DRS: not an allowed car closing app
Fuel Usage App loaded
Updates to ini file detected, will update C:\Users\rainer\Documents\Assetto Corsa/cfg/apps/helicorsa.ini
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_A.png for grade A: 18
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_B.png for grade B: 19
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_C.png for grade C: 20
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_D.png for grade D: 21
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_N.png for grade N: 22
helicorsa::loading texture apps/python/helicorsa/img/car_candy_W.png for grade W: 23
helicorsa::acMain finished
proTyres: Current version 1.2.1, init done
proTyres: Using folder 'apps/python/proTyres/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm/'
proTyres: WARNING conflict (index 0) with older version loaded by previous app
proTyres: This could cause proTyres to fail, update other apps or untick previous loaded apps[INFO ]: Never Eat Yellow Snow APPS (ptracker 3.3.6) python version 3.3.5 (v3.3.5:62cf4e77f785, Mar 9 2014, 10:35:05) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)][INFO ]: Starting server: ['apps/python/ptracker/dist/ptracker.exe', '4440'][INFO ]: Successfully created client server instances!
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Never Eat Yellow Snow APPS (ptracker 3.3.6) python version 3.3.5 (v3.3.5:62cf4e77f785, Mar 9 2014, 10:37:12) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)]
ptracker-server[INFO ]: ------------------ sys path adapted from here!
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Log verbosity changed: 2
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Acquired steam guid from AC log file: '76561197999892422'
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Log file parser started.
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Track information: a2b = False, a2bOffset = 0.000000
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Using database 'C:\Users\rainer\Documents\Assetto Corsa/plugins/ptracker\ptracker.db3'[INFO ]: fileobserver created successfully (C:\Users\rainer\Documents\Assetto Corsa/logs/ptracker_fileobserver.txt, C:\Users\rainer\Documents\Assetto Corsa/setups).
Track = ks_highlands
ptracker-server[INFO ]: currentsession is none, no session to finish.
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Track information: a2b = False, a2bOffset = 0.000000
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Used following files for checksumming [TRACK]:
ptracker-server[INFO ]: excluding sfx (by sfx)
ptracker-server[INFO ]: excluding skins (by skins)
ptracker-server[INFO ]: excluding ui (by ui)
ptracker-server[INFO ]: hooked: Setting up hooks.
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'Alt', 'T'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'H', 'Alt'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'Alt', 'KeyUp'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'Alt', 'KeyDown'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: message (type= local_feedback): Press Alt T to enter chat messages.
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad1'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad2'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad3'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad4'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad5'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad6'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad7'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad8'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Hotkey {'KeyNumPad9'} registered
ptracker-server[INFO ]: hooked: Starting event loop.
ptracker-server[INFO ]: Used following files for checksumming [CAR]: content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\car_door_L.ksanim(12175b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\car_door_R.ksanim(12175b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\car_shift.ksanim(12184b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\car_wiper.ksanim(8118b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\shift.ksanim(237545b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\animations\steer.ksanim(237545b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\bmw_m3_e30_grA.kn5(10485764b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\bmw_m3_e30_grB.kn5(972402b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\bmw_m3_e30_grC.kn5(207641b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\bmw_m3_e30_grD.kn5(97088b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\body_shadow.png(42013b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\collider.kn5(3360b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\data.acd(218357b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\driver_base_pos.knh(6050b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\logo.png(19743b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\texture\flames\ content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\tyre_0_shadow.png(4216b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\tyre_1_shadow.png(4216b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\tyre_2_shadow.png(4216b) content/cars/bmw_m3_e30_dtm\tyre_3_shadow.png(4216b)
TheSetupMarket logs | getUserTSMIdWithSteamID failed at request_json = r.json() =
TheSetupMarket logs | Server is up!
TheSetupMarket logs | userSteamId = 76561197999892422
TheSetupMarket logs | getUserTSMIdWithSteamID failed at request_json = r.json() =
TheSetupMarket logs | userTSMId = False
TheSetupMarket logs | current_ac_version = 1.13
TheSetupMarket logs | current_carId = 55de249cb0f275932a5b7151
TheSetupMarket logs | current_trackId = 58a399b5cc3adf09309741df
TheSetupMarket logs | getAllSetupsFromFolder: all setups in folder = []
TheSetupMarket logs | all setups in folder not TSM: []
TheSetupMarket logs | disabling uploading...
TheSetupMarket logs | initUploadSectionGUI: Init the upload section GUI
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshUploadSection : else uploadAvailability:
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshUploadSection: User steamCommunityID not found in TSM DB
proTyres: Slicks Medium DTM90s compound loaded ok
proTyres: PitBox has been set X:686.970703125 Y:5.763158798217773 Z:578.882568359375
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshSetupsListingTable
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshSetupsListingTable - no setups
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshSetupsListingTable - before hideSetupsListingTable
TheSetupMarket logs | refreshSetupsListingTable - before updateSetupsListingTable[INFO ]: total: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 65.17, avg= 0.08, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.6, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 20.0 Q(99.999%)= 20.0 (# >= 20 ms: 2/ 12268)[INFO ]: acapi: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 0.53, avg= 0.07, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.6, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 0.6 Q(99.999%)= 0.6 (# >= 20 ms: 0/ 3622)[INFO ]: cwait: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 26.57, avg= 0.04, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.6, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 20.0 Q(99.999%)= 20.0 (# >= 20 ms: 1/ 5024)[INFO ]: cproc: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 65.17, avg= 0.02, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.1, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 20.0 Q(99.999%)= 20.0 (# >= 20 ms: 1/ 3622)[INFO ]: ccall: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 0.53, avg= 0.02, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.1, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 0.6 Q(99.999%)= 0.6 (# >= 20 ms: 0/ 3622)[INFO ]: ccomm: calls per second: -0.0 execution times [ms]: min= 0.00, max= 1.00, avg= 0.05, median= 0.1, Q(95%)= 0.6, Q(99%)= 0.6, Q(99.9%)= 0.6, Q(99.99%)= 1.1 Q(99.999%)= 1.1 (# >= 20 ms: 0/ 3622)[INFO ]: Max memory usage request buffer: 108314 bytes (1.0 %)
Max memory usage answer buffer: 51616 bytes (0.5 %)
The URD Cars PX1 and PX2 are not listed, can you include them?

If you are a user of one of the following mod cars

United Racing Design
Formula Pack Assetto Corsa V1.1
Mercedes-Benz CLR LM v.0.95
PX V.0098​

These cars seems to have wrong settings in tyres.ini, so even with an fixed setup it will not load
correct since the option name is wrong (from log during loading of car into AC session):
ERROR: INIReader: content/cars/urd_px1_darche/data/tyres.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [REAR_2]

(they have named the option "SHORTNAME" instead of "SHORT_NAME"

These are paid mods so please contact the author if you want them to fix it to their next release.
(you could also tip them about the home key, error should be visible in console as well)

For lot of other mod cars you can find setups (and fixed ones) thanks to B-RIDDICK at the AC forum

I can not fix it :(

Is not it better to upload the py_log.txt here than to post it here?
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a screenshot

and the py_log.txt

F1_DRS: not an allowed car closing app

proTyres: WARNING conflict (index 0) with older version loaded by previous app
proTyres: This could cause proTyres to fail, update other apps or untick previous loaded apps

(yes, uploading the file could have been a better choice :)

The F1_DRS app have an old file (v1.5), sometimes python tends to keep the previous older version and not load the newer one, this could make proTyres to fail.

Replace the found in the F1_DRS folder with the one from proTyres (found in lib folder), this will have no affect on the other app since newer files are incremental updated.
ok, try that and see if it helps, otherwise attach the py_log.txt again.
(there should be an "Upload a File" button where your "Post Reply" is, just browse and select the py_log.txt)
Jens Roos updated proTyres with a new update entry:

EOL improvements and fixes

v1.2.2 170511
- 1 to 7-point dynamic eol, improves estimated end of life (adapts automatically from previous 1-point format)
- fix if race is started on track and session is restarted, tyre laps/eol data was not reset correct
- fix for a few high wear compounds, sometimes eol could behave strange on 2nd run
- fix if km is reset on track messing up eol (example Nordschleife Tourist)
- fix for info eolgain, not so relevant value was shown, also shown in compact mode as well (if...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi justin, if you send an pm with 'car name' (the name of ac folder) and data.acd file I can make a ini&lut pack and we can see if it works better now.

For zip you need to use some file share service or use pm at the ac forum.

For non payware cars, you can post link here
Hi justin, if you send an pm with 'car name' (the name of ac folder) and data.acd file I can make a ini&lut pack and we can see if it works better now.

For zip you need to use some file share service or use pm at the ac forum.

For non payware cars, you can post link here
PMed on AC forum!
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Jens Roos updated proTyres with a new update entry:

AC 1.14 update and fixes

- updated ini&lut files for all AC cars to version 1.14.0 (only a few has changed) and new RTR DLC
- fix for broken lut handling on a few cars (currently known Race Sim Studio)
- fix for broken session reset when km fix was applied
- fix when race end to practice session, sometimes current tyre set was not reset correct (not checked)
- fix for eol color bar & markers, was sometimes not on the correct position & color
- workaround for United Racing Design (URD) mod cars wrong...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Service Pack 1

1.3.0 sp1 170519
- fix for app forced visible even if deactivated in app selection bar. Even if not activated, app will need to init to keep correct behavior of pit/track condition

When app is activated you may experience a short delay before compound is detected, eol and laps may be wrong on the current tyre set. Return to pit or do an pitstop with tyre change to reset values.

If you always have the app activated then you may skip the service pack
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hello guys,
just make on car_mod ferrari_f333sp
and tyre

but on pratice not watch correct info on protyre-app
someone could help me?


  • tyres.ini
    14 KB · Views: 295
The mod has no data.acd file, It has a data folder, ProTyres can read from data folder these files
It should go without

and it has
Not what you got


  • 2017-05-23_024625.jpg
    708 KB · Views: 246
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Jens Roos updated proTyres with a new update entry:

Update for 1.14.1 and previous fixes

v1.3.1 170523
- updated (new) ini&lut pack for AC 1.14.1, some cars was missing compound data in 1.14.0
- extended check for Nordschleife Tourist, depending on start pitbox sometimes km fix could be missed
- very little tweak eol gain calculation
- fix for forced visible even if deactivated in app selection bar, even if not activated app will need to init to keep correct behavior of pit/track condition

Read the rest of this update entry...
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