Last week I tried stock FFB and it was OK. But these tried and tested settings on my T500 still felt better. All credit to bmanic for his awesomeness at tuning FFB:
Damper = 0
Force Feedback = 60
Tire Force = 100
Change the following settings but leave the rest below Tire Force unchanged:
Deadzone Removal Range = 0.05-0.08 (depends on your preference)
Relative Adjust Gain = 0.98
Relative Adjust Bleed = 0.10
Relative Adjust Clamp = 0.96
Scoop Knee = 0.70 (this is the most important one)
Scoop Reduction = 0.10
I am sure the community will swiftly embrace tweaks per wheel and per car, since that is really needed for optimal results. If you are going to change anything from stock, remove the damping and drop the FFB from default 75 down to 60, then add deadzone removal. If you want a more "dynamic" experience the scoop setting is I believe the most vital one to play with.
This @Skazz post is the best post about FFB in PCars.
I got a feeling very similar to AC, even better. Feeling smooth, a bit weaker under low downforce and the more downforce the stronger FFB, with the feeling too when your front tyres start to slide.
The hint is Scoop Knee like
@Skazz said. That is what gives the that feeling weak and strong progressively FFB.
I have 60/100/100/0/0 in the Thrustmaster drivers too (it works fine in AC, R3E and iRacing), but FFB in PCars 35-38%, so I can countersteer. More than that makes the wheel really hard, rock. I feel everytime the car, when the front tyres start to lose grip, the rear tyres too, how in slow turns the FFB starts to be weaker and in fast turns stronger until the tyres start to slide. Of course the weight transfer.
Specialy in LMP and other prototypes the feeling is awesome.
My settings are: (copied from Skaaz with Little modiffications):
Damper = 0
Force Feedback = 60
Tire Force = 100
Deadzone Removal Range = 0
Relative Adjust Gain = 0.30 (because much more I feel the FFB a bit loose, less steady)
Relative Adjust Bleed = 0.10
Relative Adjust Clamp = 0.96
Scoop Knee = 0.65 (a bit less to feel the FFB in the slow turns not too much weak in some cars)
Scoop Reduction = 0.10
I kept dampers 25.
Spindle Master Scale: In game, I set a bit more, 26-32 if I feel the FFB weak and 22-26 if I feel it too strong. At the end it is like adjust the FFB.
I have no FFB clip and I feel smooth the wheel traction the car after a turn.
Thanks a lot to
@Skazz because he found the big tip: Scoop Knee