My vote for S15: The car I'm quick with.
Nah, not really. Though I'd happily race this or the FR3.5 for S15. I have to decide whether I'm indifferent between ASR or FR3.5, which I've genuinely gotten to like more throughout S14 as I feel like I'm figuring it out. When we actually have a poll up, though, I may resort to tactical voting. As my main preference is to avoid the DW12.
Not that the DW12's bad, I like it. But it stands as our weakest option IMO.
It was a lot of fun to race this car last night. I went into the race expecting front tire wear to be a serious problem, simply because the numbers look so bad. But the wear indicators vastly exaggerate the actual condition of the tires, and they still grip remarkably well at lower percentages. Finished with FL 34.978% FR 35.603% RL 65.752% RR 71.156%. Although my final lap was a 1:17.064 vs. a race best of 1:15.144. So there's room for improvement there if I can get that under control, which could be the challenge for this season.
A 1 hour race would be an easy 1 stop like this for me, but would some people prefer a 2 stop race over that distance? If so, we have our variety, and these tires are perfect to race on as they are.
The tire wear also ended up being what guided my setup most of all. The mod seems to have a tendency to understeer when I'd normally want it to turn in, which isn't great for tire wear. But it lead me to try and drive more using the rear than the front. So I kept the diff settings low (preload at 2!) and tried to get a feel for cornering using the throttle way more than usual. Kind of like how powersliding tends to be fast in AWD cars on dirt. I'm not really used to this, but as I train myself that "I can make this corner if I power on earlier" it'll get better.
A few other points to note about this mod, some of which I'm not sure I like. There's
no brake wear (maybe a good thing? Though I think we can stay on top of this after Canada S14 no matter what car we pick), we
can't adjust the radiator (simplifies adapting setups from Q to R), and there's
no refueling (which I like!).