PORSCHE 99X Hybrid Full Team Package

Skins PORSCHE 99X Hybrid Full Team Package V6

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  • Deleted member 1411064

So great mod, I'm seeing some of my engineers with no head though? Haha
Because it was the final version for this one and you have the PSD files to update it to your taste.

EDIT: Well I will update it, since the last update a lot of stuff is broken.

Still nice work, I don't care about those engineers running around with no heads. Just seeing them for some seconds. ^^
(I wrote you a message, would be honoured if you could reply. :D)
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Can you please, in the next update, make custom font for the numbers. Just for not beign the default ones. For the rest is just perfect,very very good job

Unfortunately, thats a lot of work that I wouldn't expect someone to put the time into. In order to do it, he'd have to replace every single number from 1 to 99 with a custom number and that's a lot of time and effort for a free mod that's already had a substantial amount of work done to it.
Unfortunately, thats a lot of work that I wouldn't expect someone to put the time into. In order to do it, he'd have to replace every single number from 1 to 99 with a custom number and that's a lot of time and effort for a free mod that's already had a substantial amount of work done to it.
Ok, it was only if he can and if he has the time. The mod is just perfect as it is right now tbh.
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All good! Apologies if that came across as negative. I just don't think a lot of people genuinely know how much trial and error goes into making a full blown mod and so I see people asking things like "you should do this" pretty often. I didn't mean to put you down for asking, just explain why it may/may not be done. Cheers!
All good! Apologies if that came across as negative. I just don't think a lot of people genuinely know how much trial and error goes into making a full blown mod and so I see people asking things like "you should do this" pretty often. I didn't mean to put you down for asking, just explain why it may/may not be done. Cheers!
No problem, missunderstundings happen ^^

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