That's what kind of work for me
-Brake hard on the straight
-Kind of make the car oversteer by steering in by 0.000001% to initiate the trail braking effect
-Steer in whatever way to follow the racing line by release the brake in a coordinate way
-Try as much to release slowly the brake to meet (or match) the apex in a controlled manner(first corner in my video is a good example).
-During the lift off before the apex you can force the car to (doesn't really understeer, forgiving=profit) by steering over the limit.
-Accelerate at or after the apex, preferably with On-Off feeling, later is better.
The meme picture is exaggerated with the deceleration force at the apex, because as soon as you accelerate it get acceleration force. It's important to separate the entry with deceleration force & exit with acceleration force with a g meter. If you don't, you stray off the racing line or simply lose traction & exit speed. I suggest to practice a lot to not touch the accelerator & simply lift off before meeting the apex to have a better idea how to be able to push in the game.
People think that practice makes perfect. But if you are practicing the wrong thing, you will be perfect at doing the wrong thing. Perfect practice makes perfect!” – John Boston
The rest is simple, use the whole width of the track, touch the apex, go over thing if it doesn't slow you down, etc...
Technically you should be able to beat my time on default or be close to it. Obviously with a good setup.. you can pull destructive time.