Well, I did not do very much to the ClubSport Pedals, it's just that you can mount the plate of the brake and clutch pedal more up, down, to the left and to the right than usually.
I moved it to the left, and also have my pedals a bit to the left on the board where you can place them.
This makes left foot braking way easier and you don't need to flex your left leg so much.
In this position I can race for several hours and it's way more comfortable than sitting on an office chair :S
It won't take more than half an hour till an hour to put together the PS and you can configure it to your liking in a few seconds.
You can put the wheel up and down in a certain angle, move the the bar with the wheel front and back and move the pedals away from you as much as you like.
Only thing that can't be changed is the angle of the pedals, which kind of sucks, but for me it still works perfectly.
Will take some pix tomorrow.