You're right the track has serious flaws and was apparently rushed out. I donated my AI experience immediately as it was clear there was no AI to convert and the OP seemed to have some placeholder line in there (it didn't work with my edge-lines; still brake-testing 3 times around the circuit). Others donated feedback, however it seems to the 'passer by' that an unfair tone is in the air. That reminds me of anti-competitive behaviour and for the wrong reasons (not that there are any good reasons but this seemed a bit mob like as I passed by haha ok I will drop that now!).
The only response I see from the OP is in the ratings. I guess the person is getting on with their hobby, perhaps with the best intentions I really don't care for the politics of this these days. Lets just say that I tried having a donate button a couple of times on my website and it wasn't a good choice, most of us do this for the love. I for one have survived on rations for several years and won't change a thing, I continue developing my thing regardless. One day you will find it on Steam and say hey it's that crazy old dude wtf.
Back to AC, sorry about that, I will be more hesitant over fixing stuff from now, I forgot about the nuances of the net. My IoM TT AI took as much effort as the next guy, that was the same as this and some might say the 37.74 mile effort isn't pretty enough, but still it is an awesome experience. If that track's release had this feedback then it might be lost.
Elitism: I too did not mean offence and was/am suggesting any form of it coming across was unintentional.
Emoticons to all of your posts...