Optimizing GTR2 on a lower end PC

I am currently trying to run GTR2 on my laptop, but I seem to have serious lag spikes when using even 25 cars or less, the issue is particularly visible when using Group C cars at tracks like vanilla Spa 2003 or VLM's vintage Le Mans tracks. I have the 4GB patch as well as the setting which enables all cores for the game, and I have even enabled all the Nvidia Profile Inspector settings that I found in some of the threads here.
The game goes way down to 10 or even 2 FPS if the cars have some kind of pile-up crash (in my case in the Ford chicanes or Mulsanne corner). My laptop is nothing gaming oriented or high-end, but I assumed such an old game should be able to run without any issues. Any tips for fixing that?

P.S. my PC specs are as follows:
Intel Core i7 10510
Nvidia GTX1650 MaxQ
thank you for the effort, but like I said above, the game IS using the Nvidia graphics card, I checked it everywhere, but the performance still drops often, although CPU load goes to 60% at most and GPU to 90%
You must select the game "exe" in windows system "like in the tutorial" very important.
Your PC should run the game without any problems after your change.
FWIW collisions is the biggest (unsolved yet) performance issue in GTR2. So pileup will bring down to 2FPS even NASA supercomputer. This is also a problem with some tracks. I think, (I have no solid proof yet), on some tracks cars touch tarmac too much and with big grid performance drops into very low FPS on any computer. That can sometimes be solved by using different version of the track.
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FWIW collisions is the biggest (unsolved yet) performance issue in GTR2. So pileup will bring down to 2FPS even NASA supercomputer. This is also a problem with some tracks. I think, (I have no solid proof yet), on some tracks cars touch tarmac too much and with big grid performance drops into very low FPS on any computer. That can sometimes be solved by using different version of the track.
Ah... That might just explain why I cannot figure out how to get rid of the stuttering at Donington National when a decent grid of AI goes through the final chicane....
Ah... That might just explain why I cannot figure out how to get rid of the stuttering at Donington National when a decent grid of AI goes through the final chicane....
yeah unfortunately, that's biggest problem by me (also, AI to AI collisions don't look great). But, nothing is perfect and overall game is more and more enjoyable with all the ongoing improvements.

In case you are not aware, shadows kill performance as well, I run medium shadows and headlights, and that's with high end PC.
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FWIW collisions is the biggest (unsolved yet) performance issue in GTR2. So pileup will bring down to 2FPS even NASA supercomputer. This is also a problem with some tracks. I think, (I have no solid proof yet), on some tracks cars touch tarmac too much and with big grid performance drops into very low FPS on any computer. That can sometimes be solved by using different version of the track.
that's a bummer, because I tried using a bunch of other cars (TCR for example) and there was no stutter, because they seemed to race cleaner and not collide in tight turns like Ford chicanes.
that's a bummer, because I tried using a bunch of other cars (TCR for example) and there was no stutter, because they seemed to race cleaner and not collide in tight turns like Ford chicanes.
that makes sense. Yes, unfortunately in semi-open game like GTR2 I think the key to enjoyment (IMHO of course) is choosing the content that works and letting go of content that does not. How good the experience is depends hugely on what you run.

It's possible that there are some other properties of a car (not just how cleanly they drive) affecting how costly collisions are (collision mesh, feelers, some settings etc?). But I am not an expert on content authoring. I wonder if @sunalp2 has anything to say on this? ;)
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Here is some info from an old thread about the P&G mod which may help -



Here are some general optimizations that should help give you better FPS with your GTR2-PnG installation -- many of these tweaks were originally taken from various postings indicating tweaks that worked well for GTL, but these apply to GTR2 as well (and thus the PnG mod). Thanks to DucFreak for a lot of these details (most of them, in fact):


Open the "Your-Player-Name".PLR file with notepad (the file is located at ...\GTR2-PnG\UserData\your-player-name folder), search these lines and change their values (please note that they were not written in order here):

[ Graphic Options ]
Compressed Textures="0" // set to "1" for better framerates on very low-end systems
Driver Animations="1" // set to "0" for better framerates on low-end systems; this will NOT disable your visible driver arms or moving steering wheel in YOUR car
Track Animations="0" // recommend set to "0" for better performance on all systems
Disable All Character Anims="1" // recommend set to "0" for most systems (BIG framerate hog)
Windscreen dirt buildup="1" // set to "0" for slightly better framerates on very low-end systems
Swaying Trees="0" // recommend set to "0" for ALL systems (eye-candy you won't miss)
LOD Multiplier Multiplier="1.00250" // change value to "0.99000"
Livery UltraRez="0" // recommend set to "0" for better performance on all systems
Cockpit UltraRez="1" // recommend set to "0" for most systems
Reduced Track Textures="0" // recommend set to "1" for better framerates on very low-end systems

[ Game Options ]
Vertex Damage="0" // set to "0" for better performance on all systems


Make sure your video card is sufficient to support DX9.0 shaders -- if you're struggling with lower framerates, try switching to DX8.0 shaders; this is a good option on lower-end systems and you don't give up much in the way of eye candy. Having a newer video card doesn't necessarily mean you're set to run DX9.0 -- a GeForce 6800 will offer you much better performance than a 7300GT or a 7600GS card, for example, and an ATI X800XL or X800XT will give you stellar performance in DX9.0.


Most of these settings can be found in the Options - Video and Options - Advanced menu sections (these can also be set in the .PLR file, but it's easier to make sure you've got them selected properly by checking the selections in-game):

DRAW DISTANCE -- using “Very Far” draw distance is not much of a FPS killer but better use "Normal" draw distance, it's more than enough and definitely keeps FPS much more stabilized (less variation of FPS around the track -- recommend NORMAL)

TRACK DETAIL -- can be a FPS killer if it's on FULL, decrease it to HIGH or MEDIUM.

SHADOWS -- using shadows in MAX is another FPS killer, HIGH or MEDIUM is the best option.(recommend MEDIUM)

SPECIAL EFFECTS -- big FPS killer in HIGH or FULL . . . reduce to MEDIUM or LOW

VEHICLE DETAIL (both settings) -- recommend setting to MEDIUM

TRACKSIDE CHARACTERS -- de-select (no green light)



Using these settings, I get between 85 - 100 FPS or greater on my system, which is a pretty low-end system these days: Socket 754 Athlon 3000+ @ 2.45 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 256 MB ATI Radeon X800XT (stock frequencies, not overclocked). Those of you with higher-end systems might be able to set things a bit higher, but things like "Swaying Trees" and "Character Anims" can cause things like stuttering and framerate dips, both of which can be especially bad when racing online.


Wanted to add this in, as I just discovered it myself -- I'm not sure if this applies to GeForce users, but this does apply to ATI users (at least on my system with my Radeon X800XT All-In-Wonder card):

Make sure you have the refresh rate for your monitor (Display Properties --> Advanced--> Monitor --> Refresh Rate) set to the same frequency used in your GTR2 Configuration (GTR2Config.exe) application. I had my monitor refresh rate in the Display Properties set to 75Hz, but I had 60Hz selected in my GTR2Config.exe application and I was starting to see jerky/stuttering behavior at some add-on tracks. It was something I hadn't experienced with my X800XT card, and it was happening even with solid, reasonably-high framerates (rock-solid at 60fps at Pau 2001, for example).

I hadn't been having a problem before, but it started all at once after I had done some tweaking -- one tweak I did was to change my display resolution in the GTR2Config.exe application from 1280 x 1024 to 1280 x 960 to better fit my monitor aspect ratio. I didn't change ANYTHING else, but I started seeing odd/weird behaviors, including the stuttering/jerky behavior as well as odd stuff like flashing trees and scenery.

Setting my refresh rates to match (both set to 75Hz) solved the problem.


Disable the Anti-Virus while you play... or simply disable the "realtime scanner" on the A.V. while you play (this is in case your A.V. supports this feature), many times this is the culprit."
Budget PC ...ummm 4 core / onboard GPU
Fresh GTR2 maxxed out + GTR233's 10th Anniversary + no other tweaks or edits
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Budget PC ...ummm 4 core / onboard GPU
Fresh GTR2 maxxed out + GTR233's 10th Anniversary + no other tweaks or edits
I tried to follow the instructions in your thread, but to absolutely no avail. The maxed out settings give me very poor performance, and I am not even sure where the problem lies. The only thing I haven't been able to try is this app called RunAff that some people mentioned in your thread.
I suggest lowering all visual settings to the minimum and then try to rise them one by one until you find the perfect balance between visuals and performance.
Okay, after lowering everything to minimum, I loaded up the same exact session and I was getting even slightly worse performance (somehow), now I am really really confused on what the issues, cause it's clearly not the graphics quality.
Don't change anything though.
Delete your player and config.ini
Restart GTR2 and let it reset to default.
Test that instead.
If you had made a nv inspector or amd profile delete it.

I don't understand advice because his specs should run GTR2 fully maxxed out.
Way beyond the tower I outlined in my link.
Like Onboard GPU and GTR2 still runs maxxed to the hilt.

I am talking about stock GTR2 with GTR233 anniversary mod.
Not PnG or anything else but they run as well for me on that box, so does rFactor and GTL.
All maxxed put. GTR2 runs on fumes.

ie: This is a special #2 tower for GPL and old ISIMotor sims exclusively.
So it has nothing for modern sims, tools apps etc that may conflict.
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