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Hi Everyone

As this seems to be Reiza Studios Forum for Stockcar The Game i thought it would be ok to advertise our League.

TRM Racing Leagues

We hope to have a series in place very soon using this sim so if anyone is interested in joining us then why not pay us a visit at - http://www.jolts-trmracing.co.uk

Come and join our ever growing community. Everyone is more than Welcome.


Steve Jones
Thanks for atleast putting the post here m8 - but it does say this forum is set up for other events Bram - i'll accept that the subject may upset a few people but you should really consider your rules about adverts, RD could be such a better place if it looked after the sim racing community intead of keeping everything in house, people will race where they want to race m8

I have a few ideas if you are interested.
This forum is to announce GSC events Steve :)

Our rules on adverts aren't any different than to other large forums (regardless the subject) actually everybody that signed up here agreed to those rules so they can't be unclear.

Advertising can be done on official forums of SimBin, ISI, Arca, iRacing or where ever they have a place for it. Thats the hub you should look for as site owners.

As Reiza used this forum for their communications (just like they use their own facebook and twitter as well) we actually changed our rules already to let people promote their leagues here. Its not that we are being paid to host official forums, or getting paid for moderation, or for the hosting of the GSC game. But we do it with love anyways as we strongly believe in the product they make.

This GSC forum is exactly the same as any other forum here at RD. Our own and as a bonus we try to help people out with support, news and setups on voluntary basis

Anyways, its not a big deal at all and as you might have seen with Jaap Wagenvoorts cancer fundraiser we love to assist for the good cause. Problem is that the Our Heroes charity is very subjective. Heroes for you can be enemies of somebody else and it can end up in a horrific political fight we don't want here.

But no probs, i do hope you can achieve your goals Steve :thumbsup:
Changing the subject slightly

Game Stockcar is an awkward one - we have ran many events in hope of running a series but we always fell short of drivers as only a select few have bought the sim. God knows why as it has some of the best physics in any game and i'd put it a close second to ARCA Sim Racing.

So again i ask if anyone is interested in TRM running a series with Game Stockcar please let us know. At present we are looking to host it every other week on a thursday night, details are still to be arranged but feel free to pay us a visit and let us know your thoughts.

Hopefully some new content will persuade people to buy the Product - trust me its worth every penny :)
I am thinking of buying this product Steve. Therefore I will be in touch. However, I would disagree with RD's policy on HfH. As an ex-serviceman, injured during service, I find this subject personal. It is not political in helping a person injured in the service of our country. That's all I have to say on this matter.
I don't want an argument and I don't want RD to change their policy as its already made and I understand its an international multi cultural community, but helping a British serviceman is again, not a political issue in my eyes. Nuff said!.

What about NKPro? is it worth buying? Are there enough races/ people using it?

A Liga Motorsport Virtual promove o seu 1º Campeonato no simulador GAME STOCKCAR, as inscrições estão abertas ate o dia 07 de Julho de 2012, campeonato com 5 etapas sendo a estreia no dia 09 de Julho a partir das 20:30hs horario de Brasília, veja o formato e como se inscrever aqui: http://www.mvracetv.com/t1418-formato-e-regras-mv-copa-stock-car

Redline Sim Racers (RSR)


RSR have just setup our GSC 2012 server and have around 6 members currently with GSC2012 (With around another 10 or so getting very soon...)

We are about to put a big push on for our members to get the GSC 2012 title, so if your an Aussie or a New Zealander and you're keen for some GSC action with local yokels make yourself known to me either here, or at RSR.

B. Regrads,

Phill Routledge.
Hi all, at Race2Play I have created a small 4 round series to test the water for the sim.
The more the merrier and all are welcome. Series will be run on Sundays at 0900 GMT

Qualifying at 7PM Queensland or 0900GMT
This series is being run on Race2Play
You can register as a driver for free at Race2Play
Then join the rfsupercars league rfsupercars
Then you are elible to run in any series we have running at R2P
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