I have a little present for all formula one fans (including me).
This app, called "TVOverlay" is characterized by the TV broadcast graphics used in formula one world feed. To get you in the mood for the upcoming formula one season, I´ve created this app and published it just before the first grand prix.
- show driver name
- show lap time with one digit
- show sector time with 3 digits
- show split time with 3 digits (green frame -> faster, yellow frame -> slower)
- show best sector time before crossing the sector line (red frame -> best sector time)
- show "no time" if lap is invalid
- save best lap with its sector times
- at some points of the appwindow there are grey border lines. I disabled the border lines, but the
problem is still valid
- small delay for showing the lap time after crossing finish line. I have to use the LastSplits in order to
get the lap time. The LastSplits are not updated in this moment the car crosses the finish line.
For the first timed lap it works, but not for further laps. This should not be a problem if
getCurrentSplits and LastLap hopefully work in first AC release. Because of this, the
"TVOverlay_TP" is only intended for the AC technology preview.
F1 TV Overlay
Simply copy the content into your AC folder (AC_TechPreview).
A few technical aspects:
The last lap time is being calculated by the getLastSplits function.
The first sector line is at 33% track length and the second at 66% track length, because the original sector line was difficult to rebuild in order to get the exactly same split time. The "NormalizedSplinePosition" was used to define the car position as well as the sector lines on track.
Please test the app and give some feedback and proposals. Maybe there are some more bugs I didn´t notice. I´m new in Python, so I would be grateful for ideas and improvements in terms of programming. It could be an option to load the ghost lap as best lap for using as benchmark time.
In future I want to have the full overlay options for race and quali with standings, speeds etc...
Keep racing