All Cars and Tracks Online [included avaiable AddOn Tracks]
TRACKS: Portugal
Portugal without Tirestacks
Mills Inner Loop C
Mills Outer Loop B
Malaysia Full Loop
Malaysia North Loop
Belgium 1966
Monte Carlo 1966
Putnam Park Long
Snetterton 300
Watkins Glen Nascar
Watkins Glen Grand Prix
Watkins Glen Long
Spark F1
Spark F2
Spark F3
Formula Renault F3.5
Renault Megane Trophy
All listed Tracks and Cars should be installed first!
But should work without too !
Mak Corp has released a new batch of previews of their Formula One 2008 for rFactor 2.
The in-game previews show untouched shots of the Ferrari F2008 and the Toyota TF108 on track. Several aspects of the cars such as reflections and tire textures are still work in progress as the team is still busy exploring the possibilities of the new platform.
Originally planned for rFactor, the team has decided to release the mod for rFactor 2, the mod will come with unique dry & wet physics for each car as well as individual sounds for each vehicle.
Hello, thank you for this great track ! Good work on different track surfaces.
My issue, I can only race GP layout Don't know what happen, all is black outside, I can start the car but I can't see anything...
I've already seen this in another game but I can't remember what to do...
This is starting to look very promising, this is definitely a mod that I am looking forward to, hope the feel of the car is going to be as good as it looks.
I can't download Waktins Glen If I download this, will I have to delete all of my others? Or does this automatically put the tracks I don't have on my game?