Silly questions perhaps, but are you editing the right file, and have you changed it enough? Maybe it's moving, but by a small amount.
Tried it now, same resolution. I use 260 360, if I change to 260 160, it's in the middle of the screen.
I tried that and I've also tried another members but it just doesn't move from the right hand side - will go and take screen shot and post back.
OK, It's now just dawned on me that I should only have the one .ini file in the folder. I have that now and have edited the digidash.ini as follows
Hud position
; Hud Size ( if width=0, then a default value will be used)
; Gear X positions
72 ; R
71 ; N
83 ; 1
70 ; 2
74 ; 3
69 ; 4
70 ; 5
69 ; 6
69 ; Backlight
This is what the screen shows now: