Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
I will have the pictorial up this evening after we get back from picking up the wifes new dog... Great race everyone and Neal I apologize for tapping you. I'd like to say it was my wife, daughter, or perhaps I was drunk. However it was none of those and it was my fault...
Nice iRacing evening again :)

Qualified 2nd as expected behind Sander who was in a world of his own pacewise.

In lap 6 with 9 to go I easily raced in p2 with nobody directly behind me and Sander 3 or 4 seconds in front, when Sander crashed and retired and from then on drove the victory home. After the race I got naked and did some doughnuts in t1 which Joe unfortunately took pictures of :( :D

Nice race everyone :)
Great race guys. I started out pretty good with no first lap trouble. But wasn't long before Jamie started filling up my rear view mirror, I crack easily under pressure and he was free to go by. I tried to stay close and keep pace with him but that only caused me to burn through my tires. Tires that I desperately needed as Dario started walking me down in the later laps of the race. Lucky I was able to keep it on track and more importantly stay in front of Dario:D. Had fun guys.
I spent more time as a spectator as I crashed out twice so figured I'd end it there before I ruined someone's race. As always some superb driving, the top three ran away especially Kevin at the front. I watched a great few laps at the end between Dario and William, it was very entertaining to watch.
Ok we finally got home from picking up the dog, and I'm going to get started on the pics.


Did anyone else save the replay from the race? I did and only have laps 3-15, from some reason I don't have anything before that such as the start... What is up with that???
1/2/2011 Racedepartment Corvette pictorial

First I would like to apologize as I did not have the begining of the race in my replay. I was unaware that it would possibly get cut off. So for the next race just to be safe I will get my screens of the first lap or two right after the race before I exit the sim.

Sooo, from lap 3 onward:

The leaders Hogendoorn and Ascher round La Source really setting the pace with blistering lap times:


Wilson and Nowell fight around La Source:


Wilox makes his way up the Kemmel Striaght:


Nowell, Jagar, and Strijdonck make their way through Les Combes:


Jagar, Strijdonck, followed by Petersson heading downhill around Bruxelles:


Watts has an unfortunate metting with the wall coming out of Eau Rouge:


Watts showing the world how drifting is really done:


Poesen, and Hubbard enter Les Combes as Trendell spins:


Petersson trying to make up some time:


Strijdonck, Jagar fight for position followed by Petersson catching up fast:


Strijdonck, Jagar, and Petersson coming up the Kemmel Striaght followed by willox:


Strijdonck, Jagar, and Petersson enter Les Combes as Petersson spins:


Proud enters the Chicane:


Hogendoorn enters Les Combes once again way out front with Ascher in wait:


Petersson negotiating through the smoke around a spun car:


Hogendoorn coming around Les Combes barely missing lap traffic to go off course and hit the safty barrier:


Ascher passing Hogendoorn for the lead as Hogendoorn shuts it down to bring is lightning fast lap times and race to a close:


Strijdonck making by Proud after losing traction exiting Eau Rouge:


Hubbard cussing in some unknown language after the wall jumped out in front of him:


Nowell and Jager battling for 4th and 5th exiting the Chicane:


Jagar spins in the closing lap to leave Nowell in 4th place:


Ascher photo finish with a average lap time of 2:15:810:


As the winners make their proper victory circles with little or no smoke on the track, Hubbard shows up with his Texas draw yelling "no this is how Yall do it!"

Awesome Joe!! Thank you very much for posting these! Since I got disconnected before quali and missed out on the race. These race pictures showed all the Vette action from SPA! :)

Must say Joe, props on the photoshop skills, these screenshots look real!

Thanks again!
Wow Guys that looked like a wicked fun race...
I am very sorry that I was not there... I could not find this thread after I posted in it innitialy... I then, wrongly assumed (ass out of me) that perhaps my post had 'gone missing' and I was not required in the race.... its now monday and there I am on the grid...
I had got the vett and did a few laps but its a beast for sure.
I now know where the thread is and wont miss the next one.
Did some on line practise for the first time last night so all was not lost.
Thanks for letting me in.
Best regards
My apologies also for none attendance.

Mid afternoon yesterday, my PC decided to go in to meltdown (and only 2 months old) as it just wouldn't boot up. Had it on the desk, checking all the internals and all seemed fine. Spent the next 4-5 hours trying to pinpoint the cause of the problem, having issues with CHKDSK running and then the PC shutting down midway through.

Ended up doing a repair install of Win 7 and finally got CHKDSK to run through, and identfy that their were bad sectors, invalid file locations etc. on the HD. CHKDSK ran through and made the changes and I was finally back running around 23:00 GMT.

Booted this morning and all seems well (touch wood).

Looks like you all had a fun time, from what I can see from Joe's cracking highlights package.

Hopefully be fully functional for next iRacing session, whether it be the MX-5 league or an event squeezed in before.

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