Something like this?
I'm guessing demand was low and it might have a been a pain getting the sensor to exactly replicate the voltage levels of the pot. I'm going to get some sensors and have a play, but I think it should be possible to make a simpler mount and if the wheelbase is bypassed have a greater voltage range than the pot. You like to tinker?
EDIT: I just dismantled my spare clutch. I originally thought the pedal travel was limited by the arm that attaches to the pot, but it appears the bottom of the pedal actually makes contact with the base instead. This should make a replacement a lot simpler. Does the same thing happen on the G27?
Well, that wasn't the site I was thinking of - I did a bit of searching and found the one I had originally heard of in
this RD thread, and it turns out that the thread actually lists
two websites, both of which are Spanish (Simulaje and TSS). Rather like Hmm, coincidence? The products do look somewhat different though.
I found this link too:
Two out of the three products I've just been eyeballing have the magnet fixed and the Hall sensor moving, which might make
some sense from a "minimise the moving mass" point of view but means that the wires can potentially break (confirmed by an owner in the RD thread above).
Feels a wee bit tragic to go to something with basically zero wear like a Hall sensor but then build in a whole new problem by having flexing wires instead.
And yeah, I do like to tinker, but I don't really end up doing a lot of it and I'm definitely not in your league! Tempting to have a go though, for sure.
It's pretty cool that all of the kits appear to work without any "smarts" involved (just a naked sensor). My mental picture of how they would work had always included a bit of custom digital/analog electronics to match up the signal with what the pedals are expecting - like offset & scale, and perhaps something for linearity... But apparently not needed! Perhaps you could do much better with a bit of remapping though.
Anyway, for info: the v1.2 sensor that you linked is indeed discontinued, but Tomy Racing sell a v1.3 now, which appears to be in stock!:
(This is a moving-sensor solution though.)
Just saw your edit. Yes, the G27 sounds identical. It has a little lever on the pots and you can reassemble it all so that the lever touches the base OR is one whole gear-tooth's worth of travel clear of the base when the pedal is released. Honestly don't recall which is the "correct" position but even when assembled so that the lever
does reach the base, it's not taking any mechanical strain. This is because it's pushed by a spring in that direction (and lifted off the base by the gears), and after it hits the base the gear teeth don't move far enough beyond that point to push it any further, which is rather a good thing!