I assume they just copy&pasted NFS:Rivals, then remembered that TotalBiscuit made a video of how this can't even remotely be considered a worthwhile PC port and all the outcry on forums all over the internet and then decided to finally code a true current gen game? (And still not release it on consoles, well played EA, well played. Next Gen my bottocks.)
Is the delay good?
No, because it shouldn't have been a Frostbite NFS:Rivals carbon copy from the start.
They should have created a game that's following the standards of video gaming in 2015, not pull off the cheap rip-off move EA has already become known for.
I gave the new CEO a chance, but if that goes on, he isn't any better than Riccitiello.
(If you need a name for the downward spiral in video games, it's Riccitiello)
Just that EA doesn't release on Steam anymore...
But afaik Origin has a way better refund policy anyways.