My SFX100 Ultimate rig

PLease!!, stop all this nonsense about "respect" to the SFX-100 founders. Before SFX-100 there were Rseat, Prosimu, Vesaro, FREX and a lot of DIY's people using DBOX, Dyadic and DIY's actuators for 3DOF rigs on 4 actuators. The SFX-100 founders can't claim any ownership about design or concept of a 3DOF platform using 4 actuators.

We should respect people who allow progress, not the dogmatists.
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I didn't name call anyone... if anything everyone else did here...

As a reseller here on the forums didn't you benefit quite a bit from SFX community builders and its original owner's ideas.
Did you come to an arrangement with them or pay them anything from sales in return?

It appears making money off other people's work from what I can see doesn't seem to bother you at all but then we don't know the full ins/out of it all. However, if you have commercial gains benefitting with sales of this new package I wonder, if that's why your keen to push/promote it, mmmmm

Its got nothing to do with jealously as these forums have lots of great rigs, so what a stupid thing to say.
As stated you should know better than to try and flame things when you see the subject/situation is a bit raw..
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Hah? So you think Arduino should also pay the "original owner's " and everyone who builds the SFX100 with the Arduino board? Kinetic should pay the "creator's tax" too? The bearing factories? Oh how about AliExpress while you are at it?? Since they all have commercial gains benefitting with sales of all the off the shelve parts to build these systems. How ridiculous :roflmao:
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As a reseller here on the forums didn't you benefit quite a bit from SFX community builders and its original owner's ideas.
Did you come to an arrangement with them or pay them anything from sales in return?

It appears making money off other people's work from what I can see doesn't seem to bother you at all but then we don't know the full ins/out of it all. However, if you have commercial gains benefitting with sales of this new package I wonder, if that's why your keen to push/promote it, mmmmm

Its got nothing to do with jealously as these forums have lots of great rigs, so what a stupid thing to say.
As stated you should know better than to try and flame things when you see the subject/situation is a bit raw..

If you think my electronic were designed to accommodate only racing rigs you are sadly mistaken...

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Hah? So you think Arduino should also pay the "original owner's " and everyone who builds the SFX100 with the Arduino board? Kinetic should pay the "creator's tax" too? The bearing factories? Oh how about AliExpress while you are at it?? Since they all have commercial gains benefitting with sales of all the off the shelve parts to build these systems. How ridiculous :roflmao:

Hold on.....

I don't think (could be wrong) Arduino tried to infiltrate the forums here and its members for sales offering an alternative to then let people bypass the original software and rather backhandedly make money off the SFX project. Maybe they thought one guy doing it was enough?

If the original builder had a FAQ and listed/stated how/where to get things then those were within the original owner's terms/recommendations. You or I can't say if they did get something back from those companies just because it wasn't all in a manufactured package.

Yet even if this whole thing was packaged up as a bundle by the original owners and it ship say from Europe.
It is still very likely it would have been cloned and a Chinese version appear that was cheaper or indeed better in certain ways.

That still would not of made it right but clearly buyers discretion is the deciding factor here regards if you value the importance of a project shared freely with the community or if you prefer to support a company that rips off others intentionally for profit.

That is why posting it here is "salty"
Do you think it would be deemed okay/fair for the company you linked to become an authorized seller here on the forums?
If so what does that promote and say about the forums?
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"bypass the original software" - Hah??? So SFB is the original software for the AASD-15A controller ???
Oh the last I checked, the AASD-15A and 90ST servo motors were all manufactured in China!
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There’s no point arguing guys, the ones defending it are the ones who have had financial gain and Tronic is well aware of what he has done to force the SFX-100 creators off of forums and the threats he has made regardless of the facade they all put on here to act like it’s all good will.

The simple fact is these people only care about money but I do at least commend Tronic for his ability to convince people his simple board is far more advanced and worth 10x the cost ;).
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again what is the problem with upgrades that has nothing to do with deve;lopers or buying other stuff it are updates and everyone is free to buy a upgrade if he cannot make them there self. it the idea of SFX100 you cannot coppy but the parts made different can't be a issue at al.
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I built my SFX100 system..
printed 3D parts..
sourced all the items from the list.

Then I bought the Thanos controller..

It was an easier and safer option.
I wanted assurance that my investment wouldn't become useless if the creators decided to stop supporting the software.

Simtools isn't going anywhere..
and the Thanos controller with its auto calibration and spike filtering make using the rig stress free.

I'm now considering upgrading to the aluminium parts for longevity.
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That's pretty much the path I went thru.
My first SFX100 build was with 3D printing. Been there, done that!

While adding traction loss during the overhaul process, I decided to rebuild the SFX100 with aluminum parts to ensure it's a long lasting investment (TIME and money!) And I decided to switch to Thanos controller because nobody at SFX100 / SimFeedback discord was willing to share the details (or may be my lack of German!) on setting up multiple Arduino controller and the extra telemetry data required for the additional axis.

First thing I noticed pretty much immediately after switching to Thanos (and SimTools) was that IT JUST WORKS! Every time I start a game the, SFX100 (oops I meant the "motion system" since I'm not suppose to say it's an "SFX100" any more!) will start automatically, without fail. With Arduino / SFB, it was always a hit & miss.

For a novice like me, adding TL was a HUGE challenge for me. Platform layout planing, push/pull actuator, caster... and setting up controller and software was always my biggest worry. But my investment on the AMC-AASD15A controller was proven to be a correct, when I saw my TL went live within mins after setting up the controllers.

Now with a controller that just works, and a hugely powerful software that I don't need to worry about being dumped by the creator, it gave me huge confidence to go further. I've taken down my rig to ground zero now, and in process to rebuild it completely. The goal is to make a better push / pull actuator with no 3D printed part (base on the info shared by the guys on the Thanos discord channels), and also adding an additional axis for Surge!
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This must be the coolest rig I have seen... let's say most extravagent ;)

very cool

how did you anodized your part ? local shop ?
how did you design the rig ? pen & paper ? or cad software ? there seems to be a lot of custom parts in there, that must take quite some time to plan ?
do you cut your own aluminum extrusions ? I see a lot of unusual beam sizes in here.
Many piece seems larger than usual, have you thought about the extra weight pro/cons on a motion rig ?

many questions but I hope you will have time to reply and stop the debate over sfx100 diy vs commercial use. my take on it, if sfx dev want to sale or license part, they should just go for it. I don't think reseller would have problem paying licensing fee, in exchange for a 'stamp of approval' from the core dev team. win/win in my book, anyways ..back to the engineering of this rig !
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Is there a guide, parts list or anything similar for the traction loss platform you’ve built?

Its something id like to have a go at, but can’t find anything specific even on the thanos discord.
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Thanks for the detailled reply, I had no idea eracinglab offered to build complete custom rigs. they really need to feature your rig on their website !

Can you show us how you setup the motor servo/controller ? knowing you I bet you have something super nice and clean ;)

I think the motor are ok, but the servo/controler cabinet is too big to my liking, I guess that explain the lower price compared to the compact d-box servos, but I just don't like to see such bulky equipment when comon sense can't rationalize why these are so bulky.

Why did you decide to go with SFX100 instead of let's say PT-actuators ?

BTW: I can't wait to see how you can MOTORIZE YOUR MONITORS !!!!!
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