AC Multiclass Abarth500/MazdaMX5@Hernad Valley, Wed 8th March 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Ok. No gentleman's agreement. You can do it as fast as you want. It will be the same for everyone.

I rather have us do pitstops the "normal way" TBH... entry before the first semaphore and exit after the last semaphore. Else we're going to have unnecessary collisions since the racing line is right next to the pitlane line (all along that 'straight'), yet the exit of the pits is not on the racing line anymore. It is safer and more immersive this way IMHO. :coffee:

Perhaps Carsten would like to play Race Director since he's not driving? :D
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I rather have us do pitstops the "normal way" TBH... entry before the first semaphore and exit after the last semaphore. Else we're going to have unnecessary collisions since the racing line is right next to the pitlane line (all along that 'straight'), yet the exit of the pits is not on the racing line anymore. It is safer and more immersive this way IMHO. :coffee:

Perhaps Carsten would like to play Race Director since he's not driving? :D
It's a problem of communication. Not everyone reads this thread and not everyone is on Discord.
So when I have to choose which of the two groups may have an advantage by using this 'special feature' of the track, it will be the ones who do.
If someone complains afterwards, I can advice him to be on Discord next time and always read the recent posts in the thread before the race.
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I guess the point is that those not on discord and not reading this thread might use the advantage - so we might as well make it available to everyone.
I understand the logic, but then you are letting the nature of the mod dictate the racing behaviour, not the racing rules, which is a reason why we have lines as a visualisation of what 'track limits' are.

Track limits: No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a lift of the gas please. You will be penalized if you break this rule.

I would expect those not reading this thread or not being on Discord to actually abide by the standard rules of racing dictated by 'track limits' which are defined by painted lines (and the semaphores in this case)... or are my expectations somehow naïf ? :confused:
a simple Question,

everytime I race I register myself, do I need to register myself evrytime?
For the single multiclass events, yes.
Although these are in an Emperor championship format for my convenience (much less configuration), they are handled as single events.
For real championships like the Formula Agile, you only need to register once.
during the course of the race, you'll probably wind up accidentally activating the pit speed rpm limiter at least once or twice before the actual pit stop, by straying over that yellow line, which will give you a chance to see where your pit is located since it will light up...
If I´m not completely mistaken your pit position doesn´t change from the moment you log on the race server for practice.
So plenty of time to memorize it ;)

And for the "we don´t need to be Gentlemen" part I hope you don´t mind dying when someone enters the racing line with 80kph.

There are good reasons why the pit exit is separated from the racing line:O_o:.


As for the people not doing their due diligence on the thread and on discord:

kick their lazy ass and explain when they come crying.

" Officer, I didn´t know I had to stop at the red light" doesn´t fly with me, I´m funny (German) that way.

The "Prussian way" would be to do a communications check after practice and everybody not reporting back gets kicked.

The guys who "cannot run a mic":O_o: can report back on text chat.

(and yeah, I´m pissed (not about you) and I´m partly joking.
It´s my personal (and work) thing about obeying safety rules to make life better for everyone. If we can´t work together in our community how do we expect to drive responsibly and cooperatively irl, äh, nevermind :()
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If I´m not completely mistaken your pit position doesn´t change from the moment you log on the race server for practice.
So plenty of time to memorize it ;)
yes, true. i suppose what i meant is that it will serve as a 'reminder' of where your pit is located.
@stigs2cousin How about joining the RD staff and start also organizing events for us? (I'm serious here). I think you would like it and that you would be very good at it.
Thanks for the compliment, Han.

Actually I´d like that idea. It surely won´t happen in the summer as as soon as I get rid of this "flu" :speechless: it will be "all hands on deck" at work for at least six month.
So time to do other things will come at a premium, especially because my schedule is "rather fluid"

If you need things done like "track testing" or so you can always ask, you know from my complaining that I´m quick to step into possdible issues.;)

And for tonight everybody may relax, I´ll have a go at participating, let´s see if I can keep it together for an hour. We´ll just have to warn the corner workers to wear their masks when they aproach the crashsite.:cautious:

( oh, and I noticed they more constipated my head is the longer my sentences get. I had to break up some of them to make them more legible :rolleyes:)

edith. the number of typos does bode well for tonight :cautious:
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Better race than Thomas, but only just, so many offs including what thought was the last lap.
Ploughed into the wall only to find one more lap to go.:unsure:
found the whole process very difficult, not alone there.:O_o:
well done podiums and all that finished.:)

@thom462 mmmm?? could not overtake there, but did, I don't blame you for being Peeved. :(
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