AC Multiclass Abarth500/MazdaMX5@Barcelona City, Wed 11th January 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Guys, a reminder for who didn't read the 1st post carefully (really, you should always!):
There will be new skins for the Mazda and the Abarth available. So read the 1st post!
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Hi Han @HF2000 . Any spot left? I'd happily join the race in my beloved MX5 if I manage to solve a couple of issues with my VR settings and my setup (not too hard to fix I believe: simply, without any change in the settings, my VR hud was double the size of the previous race, and for the setup, I just have to move the wheel a little towards the left to have more room to use the mouse with the right hand. I just completed the office / gaming room makeover but something has to be fine tuned yet :D
- random photos before the makeover, plus the result
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