AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Magione, Wed 20th July 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Intense but nice race. I thought I would be the only Abarth so I switched to the Mazda but when Kimi signed up with the 500 I decided to go back. He has similar pace and it would be interesting to see how the Mazda's are going to deal with the Fiats.
I qualified 3rd which was a surprise although Fulvio and Joel didn't qualify for separate reasons. At the start Richard could profit from the better traction of the MX5 to come into the inside in T1 and forcing me to bleed speed in T2 so he could overtake me towards T3. With the superior top speed I managed to stay close to him and when he had a not so good exit on the last corner before the straight I could pass him and start chasing Allan in 2nd. I managed to decrease the gap and when he had small spin in the 2nd Curvone I took his place. Soon Fulvio was behind me and we had a great battle for several laps. He was very close in the corners (touching me sometimes) but on the straight I managed to create a gap big enough so he couldn't get inside in Curvone and by driving defensive lines, I could keep him behind me until the next straight. Close to the end of the 1st stint my front tyres began to wear off and the understeer got worse. Therefore I ruined my exit on the straight and that was enough for Fulvio to pass me in Curvone. Allan profited from the time I lost with defending to close the gap and now I was defending him in which I succeeded until my pitstop. With fresh tyres I had some nice battles with Mazda's of the midfield until I became aware that I wouldn't had enough fuel. So the last 5 laps I was fuel saving and letting a few Mazda's pass but even with that I needed Fulvio to lap me to prevent that I had to do another round.

I agree with Joel that this was a great combo and from my perspective it was nice to challenge the aliens with giving them a hard time to overtake me.
Congrats to the podium and thanks all for joining.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Italian countryside..

What a HOT race! Literally. I had the fan two meters from me blasting air at the rig and the PC to keep things as "cool" as possible in an room that was already 30c ... which is better than the 37c from the day before. :confused: Gotta love attics... not!

Anyway, I found good pace on practice that I somehow lost on qualy, which put me at the back of the starting grid. Having practiced a few races in the weekend I knew the first sector could turn to mayhem so I decided to stay back for the first few laps an let "things happen" that could deliver a good opportunity ahead... surprisingly the first lap went well for everyone (looked that way from where I was) so after warming up the tyres I got to work. Which basically meant focusing on finding and keeping a competitive pace for one hour.

On the first half of the race I had a great scrap with Dave @davejevons for at least 20 minutes. In that time we managed to catch up with the cars ahead and stayed close until Dave had a spin exiting Curvone and left me alone to do the job. :( I then had the pleasure to witness a fantastic scrap with Hank @H_Belane giving Robert @Alfred Wayne a run for his money with a true Masterclass in defensive racing for many, many laps. I was able to close in but decided to keep distance and wait for them to make a mistake (since passing in this circuit is very tricky). And it happened, unfortunately for Hank, when he also fell victim of Curvone's picky exit apex and touched sand. I went pass hoping to catch up with Robert but he had a lot of pace still... and I had yet to defend from Hank... but then Han came to my rescue by passing him (and then me on the straight a few laps later). I managed to build a gap and that's where I stayed until the end of the race. I got to pass Han but only because he was saving fuel. I wasn't saving any fuel or water, for real (drank 2 liters during the race) and was very happy to finish the race without incidents... and later on very happy to go outside and walk the dog on the breezy evening, ten degrees cooler than the attic. :)

I saw some people leave during the race, I know some had grief from the high temperatures as well... hope you guys cooled off well, literally, and feel better. It was also good to see you are patching up as well Han @HF2000, hopefully you're back to 100% soon, up to you if you want the lost kilo's back! :D Thank you for organising and congrats on the win. And that's extended to the rest of the podium finishers! :thumbsup: I'll see you guys on the next one, I'll be chilling all day today.
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Next week is the F1 at the Hungaroring, a track that we don't have on S.GP.
Are there any requests for a track next week?
Happy with the podium and my pace, despite 30 degrees and mosquitos in my face distracting me. Was almost on stock setup and traction control on. Fulvio again was too quick running low 21's, so there was no chance to defend, congrats to him. Would have been hard to challenge Joel if he was not at back of the grid. After race did some laps without tc, was able to do a 21.7 pretty quickly. Had fun at start chasing Allen. After I was in front could do low 22s. If anyone has results maybe can post it here, mine wasn't saved as cm did not work to join. Damn plastic screw of my T150 broke but can fix it with a tong. Maybe I'll buy a replacement screw.
Was fun guys, cu next time.
F1 Thomson road , Monaco , Singapore , magny cours , Feldbergring , Baku , Oulton park , Cadwell , Macau
I know the Hungaroring isn't famous for being a fast and spectacular track but please, please no, PLEASE NO Macau. My vote goes to Outlon Park. Loved it from the old Project Cars 2 days.

@HF2000 I learned the lesson you gave to @Kek700 and your kids: asked for NOT having a circuit but also suggested my preference :roflmao:
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I know the Hungaroring isn't famous for being a fast and spectacular track but please, please no, PLEASE NO Macau. My vote goes to Outlon Park. Loved it from the old Project Cars 2 days.

@HF2000 I learned the lesson you gave to @Kek700 and your kids: asked for NOT having a circuit but also suggested my preference :roflmao:
Don't worry, Monaco , Singapore, Baku , Oulton park and Macau are not available on S.GP. Thomson and Feldbergring will be part of the Fat-Alfie championship so that leaves Magny Cours of Fulvio's preference. But I find that a bad mod because of you can easily avoid or drive over the chicanes without track limit warnings and gain a lot of time with it.

I'm thinking of Bridgehampton next week now. Unless a lot of you vote for a specific track.
Riverside is also nice but maybe the very long straight is too much in favor of the Abarths.

EDIT: I think Magny Cours has had an update. I will give it another try.

EDIT2: Nope. Still sucks!
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Good drive on my end yesterday. That first lap was busy. Found myself 3 wide at a few points, but luckily we all made it through. Highlight of my race was a 15 min battle @H_Belane . Shame you went wide on that one turn. Had you not, I'm not sure where I would have been able to pass. Had the jump on you in places I couldn't pass, and you had the pace over me where I could. Great defending :thumbsup: I'm sure you noticed me looking everywhere for a new line around you :laugh:

@Dzul You can blame Hank and Han for me not waiting around for you to catch up :D Between the tough fight I had to put up to get that position, and then the flashbacks of @HF2000 leading 5 mx5s at silverstone, I wasn't looking to hang around :laugh:

Thanks for hosting Han, and congrats to the winners and finishers. See you all next race.
I'm sure you noticed me looking everywhere for a new line around you
The whole race felt like driving home from work through downtown during rush hour at 40 degrees.

@Alfred Wayne, of course I've been watching your maneuvers all along. Since I was really fighting with myself the whole time and you were faster in my eyes, I always expected a harder attack from you.
You could have done. I'm not squeamish about it. :thumbsup:

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