AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Daytona, Wed 8th February 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Great race Ernie.

I was trying to compromise your bus stop entry and make you slow on the exit and get by on the run to the finish, going 2 wide through there is way to difficult to manage, i did think about.

Sorry for turning in on you in t1, i will have to watch the replay to see how bad i was.

Lap 23 i lost it and hit the pit wall on the inside of t1 leaving me on the apex, sorry about that.

All round great race everyone.
First, thanks Han for organising another great race and to all of the racers, a big grid ensures everyone has someone to race with.

I had decent pace in my weekend practice but for some reason I couldn't get there tonight.

My qualification was helped by a little nudge on the oval. :)

Decent start and I picked up some places with good moves or other people making mistakes. When Allan and Andre came together at T1 a few laps in I found myself in p5, first Mazda.

Had a few laps chasing Kimi but was still struggling for pace and could not hold the draft. Then I started to gradually slip back as the faster drivers caught and passed.

Just after halfway I pitted with Callum only 0.5 behind. We then had a great series of laps trading positions and racing close. Unfortunately we had a coming together at T1, both on different lines and arrived at the same time on the same piece of tarmac. Racing incident.

Unfortunately I spun and lost a couple of places. For the rest of the race I slowly caught up to the back of the cars batting over 8th to 11th and was only a few seconds off Callum in P11 at the line.

Great to hear lots of people on Discord and the blue flags letting us know what they were doing. :)
Just want to mention the 'fun and learn' part of the practice servers! Spendtdt many hours on the servers this week and it's really cool to do setting up and hotlapping when other real and allready familiiar people around. Sometimes on discord as well!

Thanks for all the support up there guys!
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Had some good laps with Raul and Thomas until Raul sadly took a tire wall head on :confused:

Man, that was a blast!! We went on chasing, drafting, overtaking and passing again for several laps, sometimes three or four at a time with Bouke too... until that wall. :( Apologies for the hard expletive at the time chaps! Still, everything before that moment was fantastic racing guys, thanks! :D After that I went for my pitstop and had a bitsy lonely race until Theo exited the pits in front of me on the other Aston Martin. We had no team orders so we raced... hard but fairly. It was a lot of fun! After drafting and overtaking each other I got ahead, until I made a braking mistake at T1... on the last lap of course!! :confused: I managed to stay close and got a good tow but I entered the chicane too fast and my exit got compromised, I overcompensated and careened through the grass... managed to recover and return to the track's apron but just before the last two corners I tried to get on the banking... but that was not a good idea... the front tyres twitched and I managed to catch it but not without going on the grass again, all the way to the armco. I lost 3 places on that blunder which added to a few more I lost by kissing the wall. :redface: *sigh*... HOWEVER... I had a ton of fun tonight so, the numbers were on the plus at the end for me. :thumbsup:

Thank you for the close, exciting racing guys! I really felt secure going with four of us together into T1... the racing in this group is truly awesome. With such a large grid you cannot avoid having incidents but think about all those laps and turns and moves that went well after all... that's what counts, at least to me. Thank you for organising again Han, a big congrats to the winners and podium finishers and looking forward to the next one. :coffee:

Get well soon Fulvio!
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hey guys that was super-fun. real roller coaster ride.... we shared some laughs and some tears. tears were mostly from me as i made my usual unforced errors that sent me on a field trip across the grass on a couple of occasions.
jose, we might have been at the back of the pack, but i still enjoyed our back and forth and you did a helluva job holding me off for most of the race. you raced a nice steady race.

thanks for the good times all, see you on the next one!

Now you are able to view the race results on Emperor, you might find it strange to see the outcome of the points. There are points given because it's less work for me than organizing a custom account. So the points doesn't matter here. But to learn for real championships I'm experimenting with the different penalty settings.
As nobody has been given a drive-through penalty, the in-race penalties didn't work obviously.

But another means of penalizing is the deduction of points for the championship.
I had configured positive and negative point modifiers:
  • pole position in class: 1 point
  • fastest lap in class: 1 point
  • collision with other car: 1 point each
  • track cuts: 1 point each (non given because there were no track limits).
So the calculation for Allan is:
  • winner race: + 25
  • pole position + 1
  • fastest lap +1
  • 26 collisions: -26
Making a total of 1 point.

These penalties are still in test. It isn't decided if we're going to use it in a real championship. I prefer the in race penalties. but if they don't work it can be an option.

Now you are able to view the race results on Emperor, you might find it strange to see the outcome of the points. There are points given because it's less work for me than organizing a custom account. So the points doesn't matter here. But to learn for real championships I'm experimenting with the different penalty settings.
As nobody has been given a drive-through penalty, the in-race penalties didn't work obviously.

But another means of penalizing is the deduction of points for the championship.
I had configured positive and negative point modifiers:
  • pole position in class: 1 point
  • fastest lap in class: 1 point
  • collision with other car: 1 point each
  • track cuts: 1 point each (non given because there were no track limits).
So the calculation for Allan is:
  • winner race: + 25
  • pole position + 1
  • fastest lap +1
  • 26 collisions: -26
Making a total of 1 point.

These penalties are still in test. It isn't decided if we're going to use it in a real championship. I prefer the in race penalties. but if they don't work it can be an option.
An excellent system as I now finally have a race win :)

But seriously, if someone is nudged in the back (easy to do on this track) do both drivers get a penalty?

Is there an app that could record incidents in race so you could have an idea how you're doing.?

Just as well track limits didn't work here because I suspect we'd all be on negative points due to the bus stop.

These 'find out whose won after the race' events might cause quite a few grumbles if people are unfairly penalised by an over eager AC incident logging algorithm.

In spite of the scoring issue I had a good race (for me). Qualified well and managed to stay out of trouble for the most part. Had a slight swopping of paint with Douglas going into T1 - hope it wasn't too much. Then lost 2nd place after a stupid half spin and then chased Richard for the position. Another racing incident into T1 saw me wait for Richard without trying to let a close following Thomas get past too. Scraped home in 4th - only to find out I'd actually won!
But seriously, if someone is nudged in the back (easy to do on this track) do both drivers get a penalty?

Is there an app that could record incidents in race so you could have an idea how you're doing.?
I don't know the answer on both questions but I expect indeed that in the 1st question both drivers will get a penalty.

I didn't see any warning so is this aspect working?
Obviously not because Allan would otherwise have spent more time in the pit lane than on the track:p.
So you get penalised for someone hitting you????
I had the same thoughts... I got bump draft by someone a few times and slightly touched Paul maybe three times while racing/chasing close. Well, server must be right, no doubt, but I'm not shure whether this judging makes for satisfying results in the end. But maybe not something for me to discuss here, for beeing rookie still :geek:.

I know you're still testing and looking for the best options Han and the only way to find out is to go live with it, so keep up your good work!

(Studied the replay from different drivers and positions, but the best fights had some paint scraping here and there, but nice and mostly fair fights. So if that sets one back in points, that would be bit of a shame I guess.)
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I don't know the answer on both questions but I expect indeed that in the 1st question both drivers will get a penalty.

Obviously not because Allan would otherwise have spent more time in the pit lane than on the track:p.
If that is the case, best not to look at the points and race placings at the end if you spend the race trying to avoid being hit and find yourself being in the wrong place at the wrong time on multiple occasions which can happen to anyone.
how can Allan win the race and be 4th as an example. He may of passed drivers who ram into him on the next turn maybe on multiple times and not his fault.
Drivers are not going to be happy, unless they treat it as just a fun drive around instead of pulling their hair out when they see the rewards for the effort they make when they take it seriously.
Dont get me wrong, it is a fun event and i have a great time every week and am always thankful to Han for glueing it all together and to all drivers who pull together to make it so enjoyable. But just hearing last nights chat from a couple of drivers tells me some of us still take it hard when they feel hard done by and these unfair penalties will bounce back to haunt us. Drive through for track limits, yes. But cant we just tell each other off if a bad contact is made and just move on and forget?

P.S. great fun again last night guys :thumbsup:

First, Allan has won the race. He only ranked 4th in the distribution of points for a non existing championship. Sorry Colin but it isn't your first win. But keep trying!

And don't worry all. It's not fair that if you get a bump from behind that you get penalized with 1 point reduction. That is disproportionate. I will not use that in a real championship.
But maybe a 0.1 or 0.2 points for example could be an option if we don't get the in race penalties to work. So a little more punishment for drivers who have more collisions than average (Allan, Theo) will have a greater disadvantage than others.

Be you can trust me that I won't implement a scoring system that isn't fair for clean and respectful drivers.
Being raised in a very democratic country, I will do a poll before taking a decision on penalties.

EDIT: values between 0 and 1 are not possible unfortunately.
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Track limits was a track specific problem I think because they were not well defined.
Lets try that again.

About incident points we're now having the age old discussion from IRacing. ;)

I'm all for this system because in most parts there is no completely innocent party.

And if you know that every contact gives you grief some of the ultra aggressive drivers here who wreck every race may take a hint??:D

A good read for me is the blog by Pro. Ian Korf
Track limits was a track specific problem I think because they were not well defined.
Lets try that again.

About incident points we're now having the age old discussion from IRacing. ;)

I'm all for this system because in most parts there is no completely innocent party.

And if you know that every contact gives you grief some of the ultra aggressive drivers here who wreck every race may take a hint??:D

A good read for me is the blog by Pro. Ian Korf
Carsten has a good point. Although in the short two and a half years i have been moving pixels around a screen i have realised you have to be a little agressive or you will not get good results. I actually think i am not agressive enough.
Example, Carsten and i had a great battle that continued for quite a while and each time i crept up on him i backed off at the bus stop. I then took his line from him on same bus stop, he didnt back off and we touched. Am not complaining at all but trying to prove you get nothing by being over polite ;).
Han, our dear leader is a good example. He sees a gap that is not always there in full but he makes it happen, err i mean open for him which could be described as aggressive ;).
Point i am trying to make is, who is to judge what is too agressive because most of us need to be at times if we want to move forward.
Not an easy subject to fix when maybe a single F off Steve and a ooops sorry reply may be enough.
Track limits....a different story and make them suffer a drive through :laugh:

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