AC Multiclass Abarth 500/Mazda MX5@Kemora, Wed 15th June 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
@pcmoreno if it makes you feel any better our battle yesterday was between two laptop users :D (using an old 40" tv as the monitor)

Now I'm starting to understand why it's so hard for me to defend and keep pace against some of you drivers here, my MX5 doesn't come with that many windows :p

Looks like a blast Paul. I can see how it eats up free time :)
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In that case I'm even more impressed by your performance. Must be so hard to see the brakepoints! Well the space problem can be solved by using VR but probably if your laptop/GPU will be too weak for that. And it's a lot of money.
Thanks Han, I guess that's why I so much prefer nicely flowing tracks with medium speed corners like Barcelona and Okayama to fast ones with chicanes like Monza and Lemans.

I've tried an oculus 2 vr headset from a friend but it was indeed too much for what the laptop can handle. Indeed I'll need an upgrade on my system to be able to use one properly. So next time I upgrade it I'll definitely take a look a what specs are needed for a VR set.
At least that would fit my apartment :roflmao:
Interesting chat (40mins in) in this podcast about online racing....

As someone who has over 150 RD races over the last 18 months I can testify that this is a sometime frustrating hobby. But great fun.

I've gone from "slow" to "not as slow". I've watched onboard laps with the fast guys and still can't see how they are going so fast. I've watched countless videos and read loads of articles. I've also gone down the sim upgrade route - no magic bullet here but so much nicer to drive.

As others have said, consistent is your friend. The race stats can tell you how consistent you're being so they are worth looking at after each race.

At the end of the day I do it because it's fun and the race battles I have along the way make it more enjoyable.

I keep telling myself that I'm racing with some of the fastest drivers around - so a great opportunity to learn and get better.
Thanks Han, I guess that's why I so much prefer nicely flowing tracks with medium speed corners like Barcelona and Okayama to fast ones with chicanes like Monza and Lemans.

I've tried an oculus 2 vr headset from a friend but it was indeed too much for what the laptop can handle. Indeed I'll need an upgrade on my system to be able to use one properly. So next time I upgrade it I'll definitely take a look a what specs are needed for a VR set.
At least that would fit my apartment :roflmao:
As for the VR set, be sure to test it with a race length. It seems that some people are getting sick using VR. I haven't tried it myself, but I think I'll go for it sometime in the future. It adds a lot to the immersion, I believe.
@Shed 17 ship the rig to me and I'll see if I can dial in the braking points for you :roflmao:

@JamKart22 couldn't agree more. The few times I've raced outside this group since joining last Nov, it becomes clear to me that I have absolutely gotten faster, more consistent, and have learned a couple things from everyone here. It's just harder to notice here when you nail a PB and some drivers here are doing -3s on your PB in practice :confused: :)
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It's just harder to notice here when you nail a PB and some drivers here are doing -3s on your PB in practice
Yes but it's also hard to be first 2s faster than you, Paul, Colin, Richard and Douglas and now seeing you all being as fast or even faster.

Just kidding. I love seeing how you guys have progressed so much in my events while still keeping the fun. That is the biggest motivation for me to continue organizing these races.
Quick race notes from my pov: was fourth by the end of the first lap with Thomas, Simon and Andreas battling hard in front of me. By the second lap I had cought up to that group in the twisty last part of the lap and stuck my nose in on Andreas a couple of times but couldn't pull anything off other than a couple of paint scratches :)

Then around lap 12 (I think) Simon had a trip into the gravel at the last turn, and shortly thereafter Andreas got by Thomas at turn 3 and I snuck in after him. So then for the rest of the race I was p2 trying to keep up with Andreas, with Thomas pressuring from behind. Andreas had a better line through t3 that I couldn't match so he pulled a few tenths every lap eventually getting several seconds up the road, and then Thomas pitted for gas towards the end and that settled the podium :thumbsup:

And to the discussion on speed/race pace; I've found that I tend to plateau for a while before managing to take a new step in speed. It can be frustrating at times putting the hours in and not seeing a direct return in lap time, but what I've started to notice is that the consistency is on a more constant rise (unless I really jinxed myself now and will crash out from the next ten races :p ).

Enjoy the grind, the road is the destination and so on ;)

As always big thanks to Han for organizing!
I'd also line to chime in to the shoulder slapping, it's a nice and helpfull group here with good and respectfull racing.

The few times I deviated from this path and went racing in open lobbies I got turned around and left in the dust (literally :speechless:)

Also my rig is a middleground between the above
spaceship cockpit and a laptop monitor with tripples, raceseat and DD wheel minus window nets and belt tensioner.
Additionally with tactile feedback for road surface and wheel slip which helps me drive with my tactile senses as I do drive my car.
Not the fastest way as I'll never reach ESports times but I value the simulation aspect.

Oh, and Han, If you want to beat me ob my home turf make it Nürburgring, GP or NOS.;)
That's 60km from here, was there just yesterday (to whatch)

MFG Carsten
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