This helmets are from VRTG? I tried to replace a helmet from VRTG but to MGP17 but my game chash..
I replace for the custom helmet (005). I do that too with another helmet from MGP17, in that case there are no problems. Are the helmets of VRTG compatible with MTG17? Thanks!!
Hi! These helmets aren't from VRTG but it shouldn't crash.
So, inside GFXCIRCUIT\HELMETS you find a list of 3d models that are in MotoGP17.
For example, helmet_010 is AGV Pista 2016. HELMET_037 is AGV Pista 2017.
Now, let's try to change Nolan X-802 Italy to AGV winter test 2015 (from VRTG)
-Expand {GFX_GP_NOLAN-X-802_italy)
-Change the ID key to 037 (or 010, there's not much difference between the two, I think it only changes the Visor).
-Change the diffuse texture to something new like 700
-Change the lightmap and normal map texture id to 037
Create a texture called CUS_HELMET_700_D.DDS (copy paste the winter helmet texture and rename it to this)
Copy paste the normal and light maps both for visor and helmet:
Notice that these maps will be used for every 037 helmet (AGV 2017).
You can use a separate lightmap and normal map if you want. Just change the code in the BML file of the light and normal map, example to 006.
Then rename them like this:
**Mind that the visor texture is fixed for all AGV helmets, but maybe there's a way to change it.
The custom lightmap for the helmet can be used to achieve different reflection. Let's say you want an AGV with nice reflections and another one matte, you can use two different lightmaps to achieve that.