Was already reported by TheLonelyLeek is most likly caused by too many lightsources.
Please check out
All lightswithout shadows and
No lights just fire particleeffect.
If you want everything disabled go with this
It also depends of if the house is in field of view or not.
Please test with reduced viewrange to like 400 meters.
So the playerhouse does not get rendered.
On my machine I can not test it.
My fps drop only at most by 3 fps which I would not consider a massive lag spike.
If I disable lights I only reclaim 1 fps at most.
If I increase max view distance on the other hand I get those lag spikes when I look towards the playerhouse.
Posible solution could be to move the still to a different position on the island.
With MOP I run at 55-60 fps all the time. Except when driving Satsuma.
I would like to know if No lights just fire particleeffect fixes the problem for you.
Vanila fire uses one lightsource with no shadowcalulation.
Still uses 5 with shadows.
If thats enough I will implement an option so players can toggle the lights on and off depending on their performance.