I'm taking a guess that 'cos it's a short wheelbase the weight transfer away from the rear under braking is the reason it could snap so unexpectedly - the sudden 'unweighting', if that makes sense?Man I suck with making setups. Why didn't I try that? Unbelievable that I qualified 10th.
Is it some kind of basic principle that with FWD cars you shift the brake bias more to the front than with RWD cars? Or is this specific for this model of the Mini Cooper?
My brake bal was 82 front, softened rear bump, lowered and dumbed down the energetic arse end (1 bump), but it got decent lap times - it still felt on the edge but perfectly manageable, could lap consistently in the mid 59's during the day, but not when it's my bedtime Not the fastest obviously, but setup is below if anyone wants to try
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