How is the AI in 1.0?
in 0.9 they crash reliably here if they are 2-wide
in 0.9 they crash reliably here if they are 2-wide
It will only work with the latest shader patch - preview 140+Great little track! A lot of work has gone into it. Unfortunately, it seems to no longer load with custom shaders patch enabled, so I can't run it to its full potential.
Ah, I'll try that. Thank you!It will only work with the latest shader patch - preview 140+
download these camerasGreat track. Top notch! Thank you very much. The only problem is the flashbacks of neighboring cameras in replay, I think cameras 6 and 7. This really ruins the replay experience. Perhaps this is because different parts of the track in this place are located very close to each other. Is it possible to fix this?