What do you mean by blast?Do you mean that Hungary is bad?I knew that because of the lot of gypsis and because of the bad economy our country is bad but we cannot do anything for it .It's a shame.
Óóó,sorry! The king's pleasure (Hungaroring) will be! This year I was, I looked up close to Formula 1, you do not have to tell you ..... beszarás!Támár you misunderstood the whole thing Tom endres traveled to hungary before not cbrand493(nem ő utazott hanem Tom Endres, ne keverd össze) so please don't use google translator and learn english(Tom how old are you by the way?) (jövőre biztos mek Hungaroringre)
Ne keverjük ide a cigányokat,semmi közük nincs a magyarokhoz!!! Mi magyarok sajnos nem tehetünk róla,hogy ezek köztünk élnek,de ebbe ne bonyolódjunk bele! Ez az oldal csak is a FORMA 1-ről szól-szólhat! Annak meg örülök,hogy "cbrand493" -nak tetszet Magyarország! Remélem voltál a Hungaroringen is!
Me too! But unfortunately there is no money on it every year! But fortunately, the television was invented!Thankfully google translate is on my side! I love the Hungaroring. One of my favorite tracks!
Me too! But unfortunately there is no money on it every year! But fortunately, the television was invented!
You're right, but it is not as easy as just learn spade-pack! It's like if I told you to learn Hungarian. The world's most powerful and the most difficult language! You are what nationality are you?Támár your english is the best(I don't tease you or something else ,de most komolyan megtanulhatnád angolt mert google fordítónál még a webfordítás oldala is jobb. tényleg nem nehéz 2 , 3 év alatt megtanulhatod profi szintre)Sorry for writing in hungarian again , i just wanted to make sure he understand what i say.By the way Hungaroring isn't a expensive race for F1 because there cheap tickets for 35$ this year .
??????Ferrari does with the logo World's Best Bank?
I do not have to look for this logo, because it is not! The appropriate fonts must be done in Photoshop, and you're done!I think he means the logo on the rearwing
sorry couldn't find a better one in this short time
man it´s so easy.....write in englishSzia József!
Feltudnád nekem tölteni a Mclaren mc2-es packját,amit te használsz?
Fontos lenne!
I absolutely do not understand this! We have the problem when another Hungarian guy was talking in Hungarian? Perhaps you're a racist, or what??kemény ákos Támár József Your posts have been removed since they're not in English. It's either English or nothing on RD, as I've said many times.
View attachment 35576
I absolutely do not understand this! We have the problem when another Hungarian guy was talking in Hungarian? Perhaps you're a racist, or what??