rF2 Mazda MX-5 @ Lime Rock Park - Thu 11 Nov 2021

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Nice one and welcome to the club. We use real names in game but we can sort it out for next time if your in a rush because of work. If you get a chance to read the rules first though, that would be a bonus. :)
See you on track a bit later. :thumbsup:
Dont worry i use my real name in Game and on Discord(adds to the immersion) already read the rules but will give them a better read right now
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@knemo1972 I'm so sorry about the bump. We were having a such a great race and I spoiled it. I tried to give you chance to get up to speed but I think maybe you had damage. So sorry. :(
I'll do my best not to let it happen again.
Race 1 was a disater for me. Seemed unable to avoid any dramas in front and finally when I started getting a good run my rear tires lost grip and didn't come back to me for a number of laps.
Race 2 was much better and avoided all the spinning cars. Such a hard track to pass on. I was trying desperately to get past Sergi and after a number of unsuccessful tries then decided to sit on his bumper and pressure him into a mistake. Finally paid off and managed to have a good result.
Great cars and thx to all for some great racing.
I enjoyed it very much. I like the car much more than in iracing as far as I can remember.
Was super fun to just steer it with lift off oversteer....

Looking forward to drive it again in the future!!

Thanks for the nice evening all and @Denis Betty

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