Well, just an update on this one.
Despite having ordered the "heavy-duty" switches, the upshift switch broke. It shifts double, click is okay and no matter what adjustment I do.
Bought it just a year ago..........
Now I wrote them and asked if I could order just the switches: I just wait and see how that plays out.
Of course I'm looking around for new switches as I can't imagine they fabricated their own switch: they probably bought bulk.
I can do that too
It's not a matter of live or dead, but does someone happen to know what switches are in there out of their head? I just want to look around and order some, but due to health issues, I can't open up the wheel right now.
Well, I have to say, they responded quickly and pointed me to the switches: they turned out to be on their site. (Didn't see them)
So, that's proper service.
But, including 16 bucks shipping and getting the same "heavy duty" crap back.......nope.
Turned out I am in a fight with eBay! They won't let me log in as they say I owe them money......? (Made an account 15 years ago, never did anything with it. They can't say why I owe them 7 bucks, but I have to pay or my account keeps closed: closed it is )